EKT project aims to improve the development of emerging technologies in order to reform the teaching profession

Education Sciences Faculty of University of Santiago de Compostela hosted the kick-off meeting of this initiative which achieved million euros for its implementation in the last call of the European Commission

Santiago, 21st of January 2020. Education Sciences Faculty of University of Santiago de Compostela hosted on Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd of January the kick-off meeting of the project Educational Knowledge Transfer (EKT), a Consortium of Knowledge Alliances coordinated by USC trough the International Office of this institution. Partners from Spain, Austria, Ireland, Portugal, Belgium and United Kingdom are also involved in this initiative. EKT will work during three years on the development of collaborative educational methodologies and Smart technological frameworks. The project will work on a strategic triangle involving members of three areas: educational centers (schools and teachers), universities (Education Faculties and researchers) and technology-based companies and technological institutions (specifically those that offer ‘e-learning’ services).

In the opening event of the kick-off metting Carmen Fernández Morante, lead investigator of this project. Víctor Arce Vázquez, Vice-Rector for Students and Internationalization and Nieves Lagares, commissioner of the Citizenship Campus in University of Santiago de Compostela.


Possible implementation of the In-school placement

EKT will work on the development and experimentation of educational collaborative methodologies in a smart and scalable technology framework targeting official initial education studies of teachers in pre-school, primary and secondary education. The results of the project will contribute effectively to improve the learning of future teachers and to follow up their internship at schools, working on the possible implementation of an in-school placement.

Quote from a partner from the project (for instance International Office Director, lead investigator of the project, Vice- Rector for Internatilization) – Higlighting the relevance of EKT for each institution. In our press realease we included an statement from Carmen Fernández Morante.

EKT Consortium is composed by educational centres (universities and schools) and, on the Galician side, in addition to Tecnoeduc research group, Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia (CESGA) of the USC and the Galician multinational e-learning company Netex. CESGA, in charge of the technological part, will work on the development of a solution which responds to the needs of these institutions in order to create a training model, with diverse learning and collaboration environments. Several communication tools will be developed such as virtual campuses, e-portfolios or mobile applications which will provide students and teachers with a learning and learning collaborative environment, with an efficient and flexible management and follow-up.

EKT project kick-off