Project areas
- Sustainability
- Cooperation competence
- Integration
- Use of media
- Validation of competences
- Entrepreneurship
- Language learning
- Learning at and for the workplace
- Health and wellbeing
- Traffic and mobility
- Senior and inter-generational learning
- Gender and diversity
- Human rights and anti-violence
- Other themes
TAC – Teaching AD(H)D Children
Children with AD(H)D have considerable difficulties in learning and social life. Teachers feel particularly challenged by the attention and discipline problems associated with AD(H)D. Regardless of their intellectual potential, the particular style of perception and reaction of the affected children often impairs their learning ability, memory and emotion regulation, which can lead to a lack of (mutual) understanding, stigmatisation, social exclusion and even dropping out of school.
TAC aims to contribute to adapting the extensive scientific knowledge on this topic for teacher education, so that it can become a mainstay of school practice in the sense of inclusive education. Teachers at primary and secondary level will be provided with specially developed methods and interventions to successfully teach and support pupils with AD(H)D.
Family carers who provide unpaid care to elderly or ill relatives are often facing a challenging situation when it comes to balancing work with caregiving responsibilities. This is especially true for women who are still providing the majority of informal carer. In order to accommodate caregiving duties they often reduce working hours or leave the workforce entirely. Re-entering the labour market however turns out to be difficult and family carers often have little perspective for their professional life during and after the caregiving process. This is where the two-year Erasmus + project Care4Carers wants to fill a gap by developing individually tailored counselling and qualification offers to family carers to increase their employability and to provide needs-based support for the compatibility of work and caregiving. C4C intends to focus on the validation of personal, social and professional key competences that family carers have acquired through their caring activities and may provide useful skills for their future professional lives.
Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or OeAD-GmbH. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
My Eco Track
My Eco Track aims to foster climate education and climate awareness among young people, especially focusing on young people from a disadvantaged background. The development of engaging teaching and learning methodologies and resources on climate change and sustainability will provide youth workers with concrete tools to motivate younger people to learn about climate issues and participate in climate protection activities. The core of the project will be the creation of an interactive climate-app that allows young people to track their climate footprint and get inspired to change their behaviour towards a greener future. Additional guidelines will support youth workers in using traditional learning material in combination with the mobile app.
VET-ECOoking – Module for VET Degrees on Gastronomy on “Sustainable Cooking”
Die Berater is one of the partners of the European Project VET-ECOoking – Module for VET Degrees on Gastronomy on “Sustainable Cooking”, which will be implemented from 2021 to 2023. The partnership includes partners from Germany, Austria, Greece and Portugal.
This project aims at accomplishing the following main objectives:
- Create a training module on “Sustainable Cooking” for VET students in the field of cooking;
- Develop hard and soft skills of VET students to prepare sustainable, high-quality gastronomy and raise awareness for the importance of fighting climate change;
- Better prepare the VET students to address the challenges at the workplace, with a focus on the greener dietary options;
- Increase of the notoriety of VET in the field of cooking; and
- Use cooking as a departure point to raise awareness for the Sustainable Development Goals (namely no.s 2, 3, 6 and 12).
Beat Burnout targets women’s well-being in remote work, addressing mental health challenges, burnout, and social exclusion. Research shows that women, as a group, have been the most affected by the pandemic and also face a higher risk of burnout. With Beat Burnout, we aim to understand the challenges women face, create training materials that will support women working remotely, and mitigate the risks associated with burnout. The project’s scope includes the development of tools, a checklist, and training for managers, leaders, and HR professionals to combat burnout among women working remotely. The objective is to reduce the risk of exclusion and create supportive environments for women’s remote career development.
DiMiCare is a 2-year Erasmus+ project that stands for Digital Mindset for Careworkers. The goal is to enhance digital skills among care assistants and household helpers by offering a flexible, blended training package that includes a modular training course and multimedia micro-learning units. Through both in-person and online training, DiMiCare equips care professionals to effectively incorporate digital tools into their daily routines, improving the quality and efficiency of caregiving. DimiCare promotes awareness of digital opportunities in caregiving, advocates for digital skills in care training, and encourages the integration of technology in professional care settings. ( Funded by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA can be held responsible for them.).
Within PROSPER, an Erasmus+ project, we develop an online training for small and medium-size enterprises (SME) to equip leaders and managers with the necessary skills to successfully lead in hybrid work settings. Special emphasis is put on employees digital wellbeing. Adding to the online training, a application-oriented and easy-to-read publication for the target group of SME managers will be published within the post pandemic empowerment programme PROSPER in order to argue the Business Case for hybrid working. A set of methods and training materials enables trainers and human resource experts to conduct company trainings tailored to the specific context of the particular SME. The project partnership brings together partners with a broad expertise in the development of innovative company trainings from Italy, Bulgaria, Ireland, Denmark, Germany, Greece and, Austria.
Neurodivergent individuals, such as people with dyslexia, dyscalculia or people on the autism spectrum, face multiple barriers in the world of work. The NEurodiversity@Work (NEW) project therefore aims to promote the inclusion of neurodivergent people in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as microenterprises.
For this purpose, an innovative training course is being developed for these companies within the framework of NEW in order to provide managers and employees with the necessary skills for dealing with neurodiversity in the workplace. Alongside this, important labour market actors are being brought on board in a broad-based awareness-raising campaign in order to bring about a change of perspective from a deficit-oriented view of neurodivergent people to a resource- and ability-oriented view.
The European project consortium is composed of organisations of affected people, specialised HR service providers and organisations with expertise in adult education and labour market training and includes partners from Italy, Ireland, Bulgaria and Belgium.
ABILITI aims to make the use of telepresence systems in schools as effective as
possible for children with chronic illnesses and long absences from school.
Experiences and research from the partner countries provide new insights and
possibilities for the use of telepresence systems in schools. ABILITI seeks to
prepare teachers as well as possible for their use. In this context it is not only
important to have the technical knowledge, but as essential is background
information about the child and the disease, as well as psychological aspects.
The Erasmus+ Teacher Academy TUTOR (Teachers’ Upskilling aiming at a holistic inclusivity in learning) is a 36-month project aiming at developing a European perspective of the inclusion aspect in teacher training and further education for secondary education. TUTOR will define a future-oriented strategy for the professional training and development of secondary teachers that supports the establishment of a holistic understanding of inclusion in the learning environment. To this end, the project will focus on improving the competences of teaching staff to create a learning environment with particular attention on safeguarding the elements of tolerance, acceptance and inclusion. It will develop and test a curriculum and training modules that focus on the inclusion of migrant students, students from the LGBTQI+ community or with non-heteronormative perspectives, and socio-economically disadvantaged students, using an intersectional approach. The project activities will be realised through building partnerships between European teacher education and training providers committed to inclusion in education, including mobility activities.
SLACC is a project, which arises from the need to debunk the myths relating to climate change.
There is a huge flow of misinformation aimed at confusing public opinion and generating doubts about the existence of climate change.
SLACC aims to increase critical thinking skills in young people and provide the communication skills necessary to debunk false news on climate change. SLACC wants to prepare young people to become climate ambassadors and defend our planet from destructive practices.
The project includes a collection of the most common myths and fake news about climate change. An online platform and an educational App will be developed containing digital educational material, quizzes, and puzzles useful for debunking fake news on climate change and promoting awareness of environmental issues. A training course for youth workers will also be designed, with the purpose of providing them with digital resources and innovative practices, to be used to strengthen young people’s skills in recognizing fake news and reacting to the spread of environmental dis/misinformation online.
The Covid-19 pandemic has posed major challenges to the cultural and creative sector (CCS), especially with regard to developing and opening up new digital channels for the dissemination of their programmes and services. This is where the RestART project comes in, equipping actors from the CCS with the digital skills they need to successfully participate in the digital transformation of the economy and society and to increase their resilience.
Continuing vocational education and training (C-VET) institutions are enabled through customised tools to develop and implement digital further education offers for stakeholders of the CCS in order to successfully take on the role as digital transformation agents. The early involvement of the target groups in innovative formats, such as co-creative meetings, enables the customised development of the products and guarantees the realisation of a high impact on the end users.
The purpose of the #YouEU project is to reinvigorate the relationship of European Youth with the EU and promote active youth participation in the EU democratic life by harnessing the potential of digital tools and promoting e-participation. A well-informed young generation confidently engaging with digital democracy tools and making its claims open to the public sphere will foster active EU citizenship and will build a sense of European identity. The core activity of the project will be an interactive platform where young people from Europe can work together on ideas and concepts that will then be submitted to politicians in order to better include the opinions of youth to political discussions. In addition to that, workshops and other events will try to raise the importance of active citizenship and participation in the democratic life of the EU.
ILDE – Integrated Learning & Digicomp Evaluation
The ILDE project (Integrated Learning & Digicomp Evaluation) is a two-year Erasmus+ project that demonstrates the effectiveness of the use of digital technologies in the field of education and vocational training, assessing the impact digital technologies and digital critical literacy in teaching the national and foreign language. The project consortium with partners from Sweden, Italy, Greece, France and Austria tries to develop innovative learning units and a toolkit that should be used in a piloting phase to examine the role of digital tools in the process of language learning.
DREAMM – Develop and Realise Empowering Actions for Mentoring Migrants
The two-year AMIF project DREAMM stands for „Develop and Realise Empowering Actions for Mentoring Migrants” and brings together partners from Germany, Italy, Greece, Malta, Austria and Cyprus. The aim of the project is to improve the integration between newly arrived migrants coming from countries outside the European Union and members from the local communities. The project intends to reach a better mutual understanding of each other’s values and behaviours focussing on a mentoring system with Lead-Mentors and Mentors that are helping to realise various activities such as workshops, social activities or counselling opportunities. The creation of a network between Third-Country Nationals and various local communities will help in the second phase of the project to organise a coordinated activity with the aim to rethink integration together. For this purpose, focus groups and public events are planned.
Hunt for Europe 2.0
This Erasmus+ project creates an interactive computer game with which not only can you learn up to six languages, but also cultural knowledge is conveyed at the same time. With partners from Denmark, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy and Spain, we each develop a countryspecific story, which in addition to the actual language skills also includes historical knowledge and cultural peculiarities and links them with one another. For example, while learning Danish, players learn a lot about King Harald Blauzahn, while German players learn about Beethoven and in the Greek game philosopher Pherekydes takes the exam. The form of the interactive computer game, which works with speech recognition and thus promotes the active use of a new language while learning, offers an attractive addition to and enrichment of traditional language courses. At the same time, free access to the online game means that self-determined and self-organized learning is possible for each individual. The game can help migrants and refugees overcome the language barrier and develop an understanding of Europe.
Cur8 – Critical Curation and Collaboration in Learning
With the advancing digitalisation of learning and teaching there is an urgent need for teaching and learning professionals to develop Critical Digital Literacy skills and competences in order to seize the potential for applying digital technologies in enhancing and innovating learning.
The skills of Educators and Trainers are having to change from those of being the “sage on the stage” (creating and presenting learning) to a “curator-concierge” model – directing adult learners to excellent existing learning content. Learning and development professionals are also increasingly confronted with the challenge of sourcing, filtering, creating and managing digital content to enhance learning effectiveness.
Consequently, the Critical Curation and Collaboration in Learning (Cur8) project is focusing on applying Critical Digital Literacy skills to the development of learning content within the context of developing and delivering Blended Learning, Collaborative and Self-Directed Learning programmes for adult learners.
ALTER is an EU-funded project that aims at maximising the impact and contribution of alternative education or other equivalent institutions for adult education in participating countries (Turkey, Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Spain).
Despite the key-role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and social media in job seeking, low-qualified adults who have left school early, tend not to fully understand the importance of their online activity on their professional life. At the same time, most vocational or alternative training programmes for unemployed adults rarely focus on the creation of a strong online professional identity.
Depending on the provisions in each national context regarding the completion of secondary education by adults who have dropped out of school, ALTER focuses both on increasing the quality of courses provided and on facilitating their access to the labour market through media literacy competences and digital skills.
The project is funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. News and more information can be found under:
COOCOU – COmpetence Oriented COUnselling for cognitively impaired people
The EU project COOCOU, which is funded within the framework of Erasmus+, aims to provide various tools for a resource-oriented counselling process that are specifically tailored to the needs of people with cognitive impairments. The project ties in with developments related to the ProfilPASS as a tool for competency assessment. It is aimed at counsellors working with cognitively impaired people in six European countries (Germany, Slovenia, Greece, Spain, Sweden, Austria), focusing on their potentials and interests for competence development. Raising awareness, recognising and tracking one’s own abilities and acquired competencies are particularly important for people with cognitive impairment. This cannot only help them find work or an educational programme that matches their competencies and interests, but also strengthen their self-esteem, thereby supporting the social and economic inclusion of cognitively impaired individuals. For this purpose, the ProfilPASS has been adapted to the needs of cognitively impaired people, i.e. an accessible ProfilPASS in easy language has been created.
News and further information can be found at:
#EUYOUTH4HEALTH – Digital Health Prevention by Young People
EUYOUTH4HEALTH wants to provide with elements for improving, enhancing and enriching the training programmes that VET institutes and educators developed in the field of health promotion. By creating an innovative programme addressing unemployed people aged between 23 and 30 and targeting digital communication and marketing and development of partnerships with SMEs and public agencies working in the field of health prevention, the project will allow VET providers to transfer significant and relevant skills to the final beneficiaries (i.e., unemployed people) of their activities.
Find news and further information at:
Creative Change
A mixture of project management, creativity and culture to develop new ideas for the implementation of EU projects: This is the basic idea of the new project Creative Change, which was launched on 1 March.
The project partnership, coordinated by die Berater, is made up of adult education organisations as well as culture-creating and culture-mediating institutions (AT, HU, DK. IE, BE, IT). We want to inspire each other to collect and test new approaches for the management of EU projects. The motto is: Moving away from a strict process orientation towards a people-centred approach. Make room for design thinking and the increased use of creativity techniques in different phases of project work!
DigiVET is an Erasmus+ project, Key Action 2 Strategic partnership for digital education, that offers e-learning resources to the current digital challenges in the VET sector for both VET trainers and trainees. The project aims to develop trainers’ digital competences, in particular the development of digital learning resources for VET.
The international consortium of partners is composed of organizations active in the field of VET, research, education and training from Romania, Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Luxemburg and Austria – represented by dieBerater.
The Missing Entrepreneurs
Through an education and awareness campaign, “The Missing Entrepreneurs” project advocates for more inclusive entrepreneurship, following the recommendations for action of the OECD report “The Missing Entrepreneurs 2019 – Policies for inclusive entrepreneurship” by contributing to the removal of barriers to digital entrepreneurship among specific population groups. In particular, groups of women, immigrants, youth and seniors need support to build and develop necessary digital and entrepreneurial skills, learn from motivating role models and success stories, broaden their career perspectives and reap the benefits of the internet and digital entrepreneurship (such as lower start-up costs, easier network building and maintenance, wider access to external markets).
“The Missing Entrepreneurs” will first investigate and map relevant competence gaps of the underrepresented population groups in the field of digital entrepreneurship in more detail and compare them with the two existing EU competence frameworks DigComp (for digital competences) and EntreComp (for entrepreneurial competences).
Subsequently, a European Academy for Inclusive Digital Entrepreneurship will be established, adapted to the results of this research. This will, among other things, develop and make available a comprehensive database of available online training courses as well as training modules on selected digital tools for digital entrepreneurship and digital transformation of companies. To test innovative educational materials and resources, training courses and workshops will also be organised for the aforementioned target groups.
For various reasons, Europe is confronted with a wave of Europhobism. For many people, the European Union is the scapegoat for all difficulties and challenges arising from global trends. Accusations of bureaucracy and inefficiency are constantly being voiced. MEGA stands for Make Europe Great Again and is a two-year project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme that aims at enhancing critical thinking and media literacy of young people by analysing and unmasking Europhobic myths. The project deals with an issue that is of European interest as anti-European tendencies can be observed in all member states and this is why European approaches are needed to cope with the problem.
The project partnership is coordinated by the German Adult Education provider BUPNET GmbH, based in Göttingen, and consists of partners with complementary experience and skills from Austria, Cyprus, France, Italy and Lithuania.
The project DigiVET (Creating Digital Content with the Utilisation of Free Online Resources) is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, aims to address the current challenges of the VET sector emerged from the transition to the digital era and the impact of COVID-19 in the provision of VET for both trainers and trainees. It has as key objective to contribute to VET trainers’ professional development through improving their digital competences, in particular their capacity to develop digital learning resources to address contemporary needs of trainees.
For more information, visit our project website:
The SUM project is about designing a corporate social responsibility framework that can guide start-up companies to think, plan and implement social responsibility from the beginning as a tool for visibility, growth and multiplication. An ECVET-based curriculum and an open online toolbox with learning units, materials and tools for aspiring entrepreneurs and start-up companies will be created and piloted. The envisaged methodology will support learning in authentic situations, peer support, online learning and study visits. A guide for training and policy adaptation will be developed in the form of an interactive eBook.
Climate Box
Climate Box aims to raise climate awareness among socio-economically disadvantaged adults. A toolbox of micro-learning units will enable adult educators to easily integrate climate education into any type of educational programme. Easy-to-understand information and action options for daily life, such as energy and food consumption, water use, waste reduction, clothing and mobility choices are designed to motivate learners to adopt a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.
MILE – Migrants Integration in the Labour market in Europe
The AMIF project MILE develops, implements and mainstreams an effective model of integrated services for the integration of Third-Country Nationals into the labour market, based on multi-sectorial competences, mobilisation of actors and migrants’ cultural, social and economic needs.
The Innsbruck branch of die Berater Unternehmensberatungs GmbH is responsible for the implementation and dissemination of the project in Austria. We ensure engagement of receiving companies, select employers and match them with migrants, perform competence assessment and soft skills development; deliver technical training and support migrants in getting access to work. To achieve sustainable impact, we network and cooperate with integration and labour market stakeholders.
My e-Start
The future trend is obvious: the demand of e-Government and e-Commerce services will increase significantly and so will the implementation by governments and businesses. These services offer a myriad of benefits, but taking advantage of such services requires a certain amount of digital skills and know-how, which disadvantaged groups of people often lack.
The objective of My e-Start is to equip disadvantaged groups (namely the elderly) with skills necessary for using the most common e-Government and e-Commerce services in their countries.
The main output of the project is the development of an extremely simple online course and a user-friendly e-platform, which put a particular emphasis on the use of ‘easy language’, simple instructions, clear visual elements and well-structured content. During this project a comprehensive manual for adult educators and/or training providers working with the target group will also be designed and developed.
COMMIT – “COMMunIcation campaign against exTremism and radicalisation”
The EU-funded ISF-project COMMIT aims to prevent and dissuade vulnerable young people in 4 partner countries (Italy, Austria, The Netherlands, Greece) from extremism, radicalism and terrorism, providing them with skills relevant to co-create counter-narratives challenging extremist online propaganda and alternative narratives promoting democratic values, tolerance and cooperation, and to identify and resist extremist online content. COMMIT will also improve the capacity of university students, media professionals, CSOs, Internet companies, stakeholders to meet the new challenges linked to extremist online propaganda and violent radicalisation, training them through a tailor-made capacity-building programme in alternative and counter-narratives for preventing radicalism. The project adopts a trans-medial approach combining online campaigning and face-to-face activities (workshops, contest, events).
This project aims to make a significant contribution to the development and delivery of curriculum and learning materials to support language learning, cultural understanding and cookery to migrants and those new to an area or country. With an emphasis on healthy eating through traditional recipes and locally sourced food, this educational resource will provide the trainer with the tools to deliver training which will ultimately aid language learning. It will be fun and innovative and have the added bonus of improving the social and cultural impact on the learners.
This 2-year project, running from 2019 to 2021, brings together partners from the UK, Austria, Greece, Lithuania, Romania and Spain to share their knowledge and expertise to create innovative training products, which will combine the topics of language learning, cookery and inter-cultural dialogue.
FSEPS: Families – Social Exclusion and Places of Safety
Women and children residing in domestic violence refuge settings or other places of safety often additionally suffer from social exclusion. They do not take part in social activities or are excluded from an active participation of social life.
The FSEPS project will develop a programme of activities that will actively support mothers who live with their children in refuges or other places of safety. The project aim is to combat social exclusion, aid recovery from abuse and facilitate stable, sustainable family relationships. The programme will provide learning and therapeutic activities, supported free play, educational trips and communal food activities to create positive memories for families living in refuges or other places of safety. The programme is expected to help families gain active life-skills and build confidence needed for healthy reintegration into mainstream society while, at the same time, challenging experiences of negative and abusive behaviour.
The project CATLID has been designed to make a meaningful contribution to inter-cultural dialogue and tackling loneliness, both of which are identified by the European Commission as important social issues to be addressed.
The six partners on thfrom different European countries (UK, ES, FR, SE, PL and AT) are joining forces to train and up-skill migrants to become Community Educators who will be a resource for inter-cultural dialogue in the local communities. The aim is to provide learners with presentation skills, enhanced cultural awareness, increased confidence and communication skills. The participants will later use this knowledge to share their cultural backgrounds with local residents.
Pulse 2.0
In nursing and caregiving work, language is used to facilitate quality care and inform and educate recipients of that care. Language and communication skills as well as proper cultural behaviours are fundamental tools in order to increase the job opportunities of health workers. The Pulse 2.0 project aims to reinforce and facilitate language and communication competences relevant to the medical workplace in order to improve employability. The project addresses health associate professionals, nursing assistants and personal care workers who work or plan to work abroad. The focus of the products developed for this target group is on assessing and improving language, communicative and intercultural competences. Furthermore, offers for employers in the health care sector and for training organizations will be developed.
The EU project I-CARE focuses on the intercultural aspects of care. It is not only about patients with a migration background, but also about nursing staff from other cultural backgrounds. In order to strengthen competencies, training courses on intercultural communication and interaction for nursing staff are developed and implemented.
Sustainable forest management is only possible based on accurate and reliable information. There is increased international tendency towards the use of powerful and flexible geospatial technologies such as GIS (geographic information systems) and remote sensing (satellite imagery) (GIS&RS) in various applications. SUFOGIS proposes a “knowledge-competence-skills based” innovative approach that will be developed in close collaboration with the project EU partners. More specific impacts of the project include creation of: a wide professional network of the organizations in Partner countries that will be interested in the project outputs and findings, new jobs, and new opportunities for business initiatives by young scientists.
STOP! is an Erasmus+ project dealing with the prevention of sexual child abuse. Within this project, informal learning materials are provided on an e-learning platform. This content is being developed by eight partners from all over Europe, whereby the platform and the learning content are based on gamification methods. The aim of this project is that every person who works with children and young people can learn how to act correctly in these or similar situations, what to do in emergency situations, how to recognise abuse, and much more.
In the next 10 years the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations are to be achieved. With their 17 global goals, the SDGs are designed as a roadmap for a peaceful, equitable and just society, a universal framework for more sustainable ways of living and working.
The alignment of corporate social responsibility (CSR) with the SDGs has the potential for a interconnected model of sustainable growth.
The Time4SustainableDevelopment (T4SD) project explores how SDGs can serve as a reference framework that can support organisations in improving their CSR engagement with the involvement of their employees as part of the continuing professional development.
Therefore, the main objective of the project is to enhance the skills of trainers and staff supporting employee development in order to facilitate the practical implementation of sustainable development goals (SDGs).
EKT: Educational Knowledge Transfer
Educational Knowledge Transfer – EKT is a Knowledge Alliance for Higher Education in which six EU countries participate and in which six institutions with different profiles contribute to its work but which can be grouped under two main categories. On the one hand, we refer to technology companies that offer services and resources of elearning, and on the other hand, to educational institutions with responsibility in initial teacher training (ITE). Throughout the 3 years of the project, innovative strategies will be implemented through the union of the expert knowledge produced via educational research and technological optimization. Moreover, during the pilot, the participating institutions will have the opportunity to experiment working with new technological strategies that support the practicum (in school placement) strengthening its consolidation as a significant learning experience.
Our goal is to promote excellence in initial teacher training, so that we help overcome the false prejudice that understands that future teachers learn the skills necessary to exercise their profession naturally just by being placed in a school. In this way, key processes are strengthened in order to foster the reflective learning of the teaching profession, teachers cooperation, interaction, and assessment. The results of EKT will effectively contribute to the revision and improvement of in school placement, which is a key element of the ITE, as well as to a better selection of future teachers.
GIG: Gender-Integration-Gamification
Funded by Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie through the programme “Talente”
The research project GIG investigates how integration processes can be shaped by a playful exploration of the topics gender and identity in guided learning settings. The learning process is facilitated by mobile apps using gamification approaches in a way that men and women who are entitled to asylum or subsidiary protection in Austria can be motivated and supported in their integration-oriented actions. Integration is not understood as assimilation into a social system, but as a form of integration in which the retention of one’s own cultural identity is possible.
CIM – Creativity and Innovation Management in Higher Education
Creativity and Innovation are widely recognised as some of the most important driving factors of our modern economies. However, there are just a few approaches on Creativity and Innovation Management and also systematic educational approaches are missing to promote related skills and competences at the interface of academia and businesses. This is the starting point of the ERASMUS+ Project CIM based on a network of 15 organisations from 9 countries working together in a consortium of Higher education Institutes, Business Organisations and SMEs.
CIM aims to develop a new teaching and learning approach for Creativity and Innovation Management in 15 European countries. With this, CIM seeks to close a gap between Business and Academia and to develop new approaches, tools and instruments to promote the management of creativity and innovation.
Time4Society Europe
Time4Society Europe is an invitation to corporations and their employees to engage and work sustainably, but also to learn more about themselves, to improve teamwork and to develop their potential: in this project innovative methods and tools are developed that link Continous Professional Development (CPD), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
One-day social teambuilding activities, for which company teams come together to work in social organisations and projects, provide an introduction. Towards the creation of a corporate culture of sustainability, a comprehensive modular coaching and development programme is offered. In sustainability trainings, the sustainable development goals of the United Nations (SDGs) and their relevance for society, companies and their employees are communicated. Time4Society supports furthermore the creation of new, sustainable business processes or the support of social or environmental initiatives as a contribution to the sustainable development goals.
Service related competences are becoming an important aspect in non-formal and informal learning setting however, their integration in Higher Education Institution learning approaches is quite new. Thus the e-VIVA project presents a new engagement of HEIs into an innovative qualification framework of social-related competences.
The project aims at evidencing the most fundamental competences for the service economy and will contribute to a higher transparency for students, teachers and employers. Informal learning contexts are gaining on importance and the project will identify main issues and contribute to further advancement of new ways of learning as well as of new systems to validate learning outcomes.
SASSI – Working On
In the light of longer working lives, employers and older workers face the challenge of adequately shaping and managing continuous career development. Building on the predecessor project SASSI (Silver Age Silver Sage Initiative), in which age-sensitive approaches to continuing vocational training for older people were developed, “SASSI – Working On” now focuses on methods and approaches for career counselling tailored to older employees and job seekers as well as career management and organisational development in the context of age-sensitive institutional approaches and interventions.
In contrast to the traditional, strongly hierarchical career planning, the consortium includes more modern career models with horizontal career perspectives. In the counselling and motivating support of reintegration or retention on the labour market, particular attention will be paid to the potential of trying out (other) work contents and the use of work experience opportunities in a different working environment, e.g. through workplace mobility supported by the European Commission, also for the target group 50+.
No Alternative Facts
Young people today are growing up in a globalised world and are processing information from a wider variety of sources than ever before. They need the critical literacy skills to navigate the potential pitfalls when consuming news, particularly when using online sources and social media. Media literacy is crucial for sustaining democracy by knowing which information sources to trust and which media are trustworthy.
The Erasmus+ KA2 Adult Education “No Alternative Facts” project addresses this challenge in an adult education context through an innovative train-the-trainer format which aims at:
*Providing adult educators (direct target group) with useful skills and action-oriented methods on how to develop young people’s digital competence
*Enhancing digital competence of young people 15-25 (final beneficiaries), especially with a low level of education and training
*Thus increasing media literacy, especially critical thinking, of young adults in the age of fake news.
SCOUT – aSessing Competences fOr fUTure
The Erasmus+-funded project SCOUT (“aSessing Competences fOr fUTure”) is primarily aimed at consulting staff who work with new immigrants and highlight their potential and competence development interests. SCOUT therefore aims to improve the work of the counselling staff and in particular the assessment of the skills of new immigrants.
Two products are created for this purpose:
- Firstly, instruments already available for competence assessment from the different partner countries are compiled in a toolkit for consultants and assigned to a grid.
- Secondly, a version of the profile passport in “simple language” adapted to the target group will be developed.
My Story Map
Telling stories is a very powerful means of expression for conveying personal experiences. The project “My Story Map” aims to use the power of stories to motivate young people to complete school and/or vocational training.
Within the framework of the project a training concept and materials will be developed and tested to support young school or training drop-outs in the development of story telling skills in combination with digital mapping. Through the development of digital story maps, these young people have the opportunity to view their situation in a more distanced way and to deal with various personal future scenarios.
In addition, the story maps developed by drop-outs should have a motivating effect on other young people who are currently in a critical situation and run the risk of dropping out of their (school) education. Around this idea there will also be developed and implemented an educational intervention.
The project “IRENE – Strengthening the self-determination of adults and migrants with special learning disabilities” aims to help adults learn a foreign language through the use of virtual technologies and realities. Partners from 6 European countries (Italy, Holland, Denmark, Greece, Spain and Ireland) are working together to develop and test an innovative methodology and to design a multilingual interactive e-learning platform on a transnational level.
IRENE is aimed at adults between the ages of 18 and 35 who find it difficult to learn a foreign language because of learning difficulties. The project will help these adults to seize a “second chance” to learn outside the traditional school setting. Language trainers will be equipped and trained with didactic and methodological tools to improve work with people with learning difficulties.
GADE project is implemented by a consortium of 5 organizations from FR, IT, DE, BG, AT specialized in youth work and/or entrepreneurship education and development.
The consortium uses the innovative methodology of gamification for promoting sense of initiative and entrepreneurship among youths.
In every country, youth aged 18-29 assisted by staff of partner organizations are trained to:
- develop SIE as facilitators of workshops with groups of youths so to rise their SIE.
- pilot the materials and methodology developed by the project in informal settings, as well as schools, VET courses, universities
- sustain learning gamification activities and make them effective to improve SIE
Health Points – a game-based approach for Health Promotion
Educational interventions can play a central role in promoting and strengthening health literacy. Health Points addresses to young people living in vulnerable circumstances with socio-economically disadvantages, which often lack a healthy lifestyle. For youth workers and educators Health Points develops an attractive, interactive game-based learning strategy for the introduction and integration of health literacy in formal and non-formal learning contexts.
M-Easy – Improving the integration of low-skilled adults through developing mathematical skills and community support
The level of mathematic and digital skills affect an individual’s economic and social well-being. But according to the OECD’s PISA study (2012) 22% of school leavers in the EU-28 are „low achievers“ in mathematics. The Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC), conducted in 2014-2015, reveals that mostly all EU-28 countries have a high demand for increasing the low levels of adults’ skills at problem-solving in technology-rich environments. The project M-Easy tackles this challenge by supplying high quality mobile learning opportunities tailored to the needs of low-skilled adults, including refugees, asylum seekers and migrants. Moreover, local communities will be sensitized about the importance of this kind of educational support through information and capacity building events.
NE(W)AVE – reNEWAble e-VEt learning
Erasmus+ – Strategic partnership for vocational education and training
Renewable energies have made the leap out of the niche and have become an important economic factor. The economic sectors around renewable energies are growing strongly and profitably. However, many European countries lack qualified staff.
NE(W)AVE will develop, test and implement an online course to improve the skills of VET learners and professionals in relevant technical and craft professions related to renewable energy. As part of the test phase, course participants will also have the opportunity to complete an internship in companies in Spain or Italy.
In addition, the project consortium will develop and implement an e-toolkit that will enable vocational trainers to complete the online course with VET learners and / or professionals in the frame of further educational measures.
Finally, on the basis of the project’s results, the consortium will summarize recommendations for improving current relevant VET provision and integrating national and international practical experience in VET.
Project Videos
COME IN – Competences in Enterprises on Integration
COME IN stands for Competences in Enterprises on Integration. COME IN is a European is a 2-year project (01.10.2017 – 30.09.2019) funded by the ERASMUS+ Programme.
The project seeks to create and apply a comprehensive training to support enterprises and organisations and their responsible staff members in integrating refugees at their workplaces.
The COME IN training and support approach consists of:
– face-to-face workshops
– a growing online learning and networking platform with directly usable information and OER learning materials,
– pilot learning projects at the workplaces and
– a validation system to assess and document the developed competences.
VIM – Vitality Interventions for Migrants
EU studies show that migrants are more often affected by lifestyle-related diseases than other disadvantaged groups. The VIM project addresses adult educators working with migrants and refugees in various contexts: general adult learning classes, language courses, labour market programmes, integration courses and other. Notwithstanding the main subject of the learning programme, these adult educators are faced with a number of learners with low level of education and, consequently, deficits in health awareness. The project substantially extends the professional competence of educators to address this issue in their teaching, without being health education experts themselves. A toolbox with small, ready-to-use health education units will be developed, which helps educators to support migrants to stay in good health, adopt healthy life styles and be informed about the health system of the host country as well as build confidence to make full use of it.
VIC – Validating Integration Competences of refugees
The project VIC aims at improving adult educators’ competencies to plan, enhance and validate the “integration competence” of refugee immigrants in diverse educational integration programmes. The project has a strong inclusion aspect: “Integration competence”, in the project for the first time operationalised at a European level, is a set of social, civic, intercultural competences absolutely necessary to start a successful social and professional life in a new country. In the integration programmes refugee immigrants have to effectively and efficiently learn the basic processes, rules, and values of the host society. With the help of the VIC system this competence development process can be more systematically planned and implemented.
“bGame: Innovative Strategic Management Games as a teching methodology for entrepreneurship and business education” is an European initiative funded by the European Commission (Erasmus+) that aims at creating a strategic management virtual game for SMEs to further improve the strategic management skills of SME employees and managers and extend the learning opportunities of individual adult learners in entrepreneurial contexts. This Virtual Game will give the player the possibility to choose between 8 different company scenarios (e.g. canned soup factory or clothes producing company) and open new offices in other locations (can be national – different cities – or international). Of course the final objective of the game is to increase profits or to have the biggest market share, depending on the type of company, but ultimately the goal is to be the best! This Virtual Game, or bGame as we call it, will be completed with a set of learning resources that will provide further information to the player on the topics that are approached in the game. For the game to run, players have to make decisions on a wide variety of topics, such as foreign market selection, marketing and advertisement, human resources management, finances, etc, and these learning resources will focus exactly on these topics. This way, the player is learning within the game environment.
New Horizons
The main aspiration of New Horizons is to create a career counselling programme specially adapted to the needs of the long-term unemployed people with acquired disabilities which should foster their self-awareness, self-confidence and self-motivation, to identify and grasp new opportunities for personal and professional development; increase their employability skills as well as of those who are at risk of losing their job due to health problems. The programme should help these people to find new career paths or making their own business ideas come true. In New Horizons career counsellors and adult educators are trained, an online social platform provides e-learning and mutual support which is available for both target groups – counsellors and long-term unemployed people with acquired disabilities.
The empowerment of survivors of domestic violence and the improvement of training approaches in this field of adult education is the focus of the ERASMUS plus project EMPROVE. The project team will develop an online learning platform for frontline staff and survivors of domestic violence, using a game based approach that gives participants the chance to reflect on their learning and to motivate them to engage in learning over a longer period of time. The platform will be created in a way ,that constant interaction between a mentor and a learner is provided, apart from this a Good Practice Bochure, Network Guidelines and Policy recommendations are developed in this project.
Level up!
The project „Level up! Workplace Tutor goes Europe“ has the aim of promoting the professionalisation of in-company VET personnel in Europe and initiating a forum for a European stakeholder debate on issues concerning VET policy, thereby contributing to improved vocational education and training at the workplace and better conditions for transparency and recognition of VET personnel qualifications in Europe. At the practitioners level, the project provides the pan-European training course European Workplace Tutor which aims at equipping tutors with the competences they need to plan, deliver and evaluate training, to guide workplace and work-based learning processes and to assess and respond to individual and organisational training requirements. At a policy level, Level up! links up European stakeholders to exchange experience and best practice, discuss recent developments surrounding VET policy and develop joint recommendations through the European Workplace Tutor Network that will bring together practitioners, training providers and political actors.
Migration, and in particular migration for political and economic asylum, provides an opportunity to invigorate labour markets. To take advantage of this opportunity employers have to be prepared for integrating refugees whose legal status has been officially clarified and who have legal access to work. Small and medium enterprises find it hard to find suitable apprentices, employees and workers. But many employers, especially in small enterprises in rural areas, are currently reluctant to hire refugees for diverse reasons. The EU Project REST will enhance the competence and willingness of HR managers to employ and to successfully interact with refugees by organizing workshops, delivering coaching and launching an online platform for network activities.
The EU-Project REBUS aims at developing, testing, validating and mainstreaming holistic and needs driven open learning modules to promote entrepreneurship competences of graduates of ICT, engineering and other technical studies from the Western Balkans and Russia at the interface of academic education and learning in practice business contexts. In general, REBUS is about integrating entrepreneurial spirit and competence into existing study programmes. Present curricula of engineering and ICT studies in the target area hardly contain any entrepreneurial elements at all, and students are lectured how to resolve practical technical issues but not also how to transform their innovative ideas into marketable products. Introducing entrepreneurship into higher education means the creation and development of otherwise non-existing entrepreneurial culture.
Tell Your Story
12 % of all pupils in the EU28 prematurely drop out of school each year. Early school leavers are in every way disadvantaged in terms of their future career and their future financial situation.
The EU Project Tell Your Story aims at developing and testing digital storytelling and digital mapping to re-engage early-school leavers aged 16-25 in learning activities and to prevent other young people to drop-out of education and training. These objectives will be pursued by the method of digital storytelling with maps. With this method early school leavers are trained in key digital competence to tell their story of leaving and the consequences this decision had on their lives.
Storytelling with maps offers high levels of active engagement as it allows people to personalise their contribution, it gives possibilities for creative collaboration, the potential for changing perceptions and opportunities for deep learning through discussion and sharing of the stories.
In order to succeed in today’s economy, modern society and personal lives, transversal soft skills are considered as essential and complementary to formal skills. These soft skills, while important, are not always recognized. They are also not subject to any certification, and therefore difficult to value. During the project duration, tools will be developed which enable five countries from South, North and East Europe (Austria, France, Ireland, Romania, Spain) to share experiences and best practices to integrate the teaching, learning and assessment of several transversal soft skills.
Janus+ aims at promoting better integration and assessment of transversal soft skills to develop a comprehensive medium and long-term employability and thus fight against dropouts and unemployment.
The EU Project LikeHome works for the European economy by supporting the integration of newly arrived migrants and refugees into the EU labour market and the education system. Difficulties arise because migrants often do not have any proof of their competencies or face obstacles in getting their skills and competencies recognised. It is very important to solve these problems. Not only for the sake of newly arrived migrants or refugees, but also for strengthening the European labour market or subsequently the European economy. Failure in recognition of competencies often causes in unemployment or in no educational opportunities for the newly arrived individuals. LikeHome aims to foster the inclusion by creating a framework of best practices to assess and recognise competencies and skills.
Silver Code
The project aims at promoting active ageing through the development of digital skills of elderly people, not just by teaching a passive use of digital devices, but by making them able to program and actively learn basics of coding. We also want to get elders to better adapt to a digital-oriented changing world and to improve their quality of life, being the elderly more and more autonomous, healthy and willing to joyfully enjoy their retirement.
ComProCom (Communicating Professional Competence) is an Erasmus+ strategic partnership project concerned with developing more adequate descriptions of competence for higher-level occupations. The project has partners in six countries and will involve framework development and trialling in five professional or industry sectors. It will produce a methodological guide, course programme for framework developers and academic output discussing the project results in the context of emerging theories and practices relating to professional competence and entry-routes.
Nursing On The Move
Eight partners with medical, academic and training backgrounds are engaged in an intensive collaboration to develop a range of tools for e-learning and on-the-job communication for the nursing profession. Under the coordination of the University of Antwerp participants from Austria, Belgium, Finland, Italy, South-Africa, Spain and Sweden are working on the Nursing-project which is to last until September 2017 and is co-funded by the European Commission. Scenarios, video cases, strategies and tips will guide (pre)professional nurses to a more appropriate and more effective communication in their clinical setting.
Danube Transnational Programme
NETWORLD aims at preserving the cultural heritage of World War I in nine countries of the Danube region. World War I sites and buildings are capitalized on for sustainable cultural tourism and thus provide a stimulus for regional development. In a first step historical sites (frontline buildings, military premises, former war prisoner camps, memorial, other buildings with WWI relevance) are systematically mapped and collected in a transnational database. Building on that, touristic strategies and routes will be developed and transnationally marketed. Special emphasis is placed on the potential of new media in using WWI sites for education and tourism. In each country demonstration and education activities are carried out at selected sites.
Klima und Energiefonds
Electro mobility is coming more and more relevant. This development poses many new questions to diverse user and professional groups. E-Mob-Train (E-Mobility Training) aims at training and networking persons who want to or need to deal with e-mobility in their jobs.
The project developed a modular training programme, based on e-learning, which is easily accessible, and flexible. The programme was successfully piloted with 100 participants during the project and implemented after the end of funding. Another essential element was the creation of a Community of Practice for staff for training and knowledge exchange on core aspects of e-mobility.
This comprehensive and flexible training programme makes an important contribution to promoting e-mobility in Austria and sensitizing people for sustainable transport.
PROMOTE stands for PROmoting and validating key competences in MObility and Traineeships in Europe. The project aims at promoting and validating social, personal and organisational key competences such as entrepreneurship, civic competences and learning to learn with the help of an innovative, self-directed learning approach at the interface of higher education and business.
For this purpose the PROMOTE consortium, consisting of six universities, two networks, six business partners and two public entities, seeks to develop a holistic and rich open learning environment for teams of trainees (students) and staff from enterprises (as part of their continuing professional development) who will collaborate in learning projects at the workplace.
In these practical learning contexts the learners will acquire key competences that will be validated by means of the LEVEL5 system and connected via the e-portfolio with EUROPASS and ECTS certification.
It is the group of disadvantaged and vulnerable young people (youngsters with special learning needs, social or health problems) who often face a lot of problems and obstacles in entering the primary job market. The ERASMUS+ project PPC – Positive Partnerships for Change focuses on national initiatives in Europe to include these young people in vocational education and training – to offer them support and consulting in entering the labour market. Die Berater is part of this project consortium and together with partners from five countries the project will identify current policy approaches in Europe. Through the collation of case-studies the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches will be analysed and presented at seminars and conferences. Another important project aim is to provide resources for current VET providers and employers who are interested in implementing apprenticeships and other training placements for the most vulnerable young people in our society.
Informal learning in prison takes place in numerous activities such as sports, work, arts projects or any other existing training offers. Beside the formal character of these offers and the aim to support re-integration into society and preparation for the labour market after release from prison, it also has to be pointed out, that important key competences are developed through these activities. A validation of informal learning underlines these positive social skills and competences thus strongly supporting not only the educational agenda in prison, but also the broader rehabilitative agenda.
The project VALMOPRIS (Motivation for learning in prison) designs, delivers and validates informal learning activities in prison with the main aim to encourage and motivate the learners in prison for further personal development.
SASSI – Silver Age Silver Sage Initiative
The ageing of the European Union’s population and workforce represents a great challenge to societies and economies, requiring relevant changes in labour market, societal structures and social security systems. Lifelong learning and skills development represent an important part of the response to demographic ageing and to the economic crisis in Europe.
SASSI intends to focus on empowerment of the ageing workforce, developing innovative training strategies that can be successfully applied both in continuous professional development (CPD) for 50+ employees and in VET programmes for adult job seekers. The idea is to develop an age-sensitive approach that better reflects the learning patterns of ageing workers and job seekers and that eventually make a strong impact in helping mature employees to be more involved in CPD courses and maximize their possibilities of keeping their job, empowering 50+ job seekers to promote their employability.
As an answer to the increasing number of early school leavers, many countries in the EU have developed second chance education programmes. The collaboration in ROBIN (Reinforcing cOmpetences to Build Inclusion through a New learning methodology) was initiated by terre des homme Romania which advocates children on the move and children with migrant backgrounds in danger to fail integration and drop out of the second chance school system. Obtaining minimum qualifications prevents children on the move from vulnerability, exposition to abuse, exploitation and trafficking.
According the to recommendations in the UNICEF report “Early school dropout: causes and possible ways to prevent it” (2009) the flexibility of the second chance curricula should be increased including extra curricular activities taking place in the school, such as sport and artistic activities and inclusion projects that aim at lowering the marginalisation of children with migrant Background.
To ensure that children with a migrant background complete school education ROBIN wants to equip the teaching staff in programs of second chance with tools that extend the capabilities of specific support. ROBIN enhances the exchange of best practices between relevant European educators and develops integrated training methods that bring together learning, coaching and support by means of psychosocial activities.
Youth unemployment is one of the most pressing challenges European labour markets and VET systems face. While many young people search in vain for employment or apprenticeship positions, vacancies are often not filled because employers complain they cannot find suitable young candidates. This phenomenon occurs particularly for young jobseekers from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Among the reasons for this gap are lacking basic knowledge about the way enterprises function and an unsatisfactory level of key competences.
ENTRE-YOU (Entrepreneurial Mindset for Young Disadvantaged Jobseekers) addresses this problem by developing a comprehensive qualification programme leading to the internationally recognized certification EBC*L (European Business Competence Licence). It provides young job seekers with the basic economic knowledge and key competences needed for successful entry into the labour market. To this end EBC Licensing GmbH and EBC*L training and testing centers in seven european countries collaborate in the creation of a catalogue of learning objectives, didactic and methodological concepts, a set of attractive and motivating face-to-face and online learning materials and a guiding publication for VET trainers. A row of train-the-trainer seminars will enable VET trainers to apply the developed products. The ENTRE-YOU training approach will provide an interface with the existing certificate EBC*L LifeManagement which allows the participants to take an internationally recognized exam at the end of the training.
Create Your Future
Whilst unemployment in general has increased in Europe, these increases have been disproportionately high amongst young people. And there is a group of young people threatened by exclusion from the labour market and society at large which is often neglected: people who have survived childhood cancer and are trying to find their way back to life, work and education.
What is lacking are individual counselling programmes for young people, who have survived cancer (childhood cancer survivors) to help them find a career perspective which is realistic, takes into account the health restrictions, but – most importantly – also builds on and enhances existing strengths and competences. With Create your Future (Career Counselling for Childhood Cancer Survivors) a comprehensive career counselling programme for childhood cancer survivors is being developed that takes into account the special needs, stresses and strains of the target group.
MIT-MUT – Girls and IT, Girls and Entrepreneurship
FEMtech (FFG Austria)
Women are still underrepresented in the area of information and communication technolo¬gies (ICT), and this is particularly the case for female entrepreneurs. At the same time, according to economic forecasts, an increasing skill shortage is to be expected in the Austrian ICT sector within the next years. In order to guarantee easy access to entrepreneurship for women entrepreneurial skills should be promoted early, ideally with girls at school.
The aim of the national research project MIT-MUT is to encourage girls before taking career decisions to develop entrepreneurial ideas and activities in the ICT-sector and to promote their technical and entrepreneurial skills. MIT-MUT establishes a „Social Enterprise Network“ in which successful female ICT-entrepreneurs are introduced as role models and initiate networking among entrepreneurs and girls.To this end, an online learning environment is being developed that incorporates elements of game based and social learning for girls. In a multi-user game girls can put themselves in the position of female ICT-entrepreneurs. By solving entrepreneurial tasks in a playful way, being evaluated by real entrepreneurs and ICT managers, girls will be made familiar with attractive and up-to-date occupational options, with respect to entrepreneurship in the ICT sector.
Lifelong Learning Programme / KA4
PACE (Project Actors Community in Europe) builds a Community of Practice for European project actors with the aim of supporting each other by collecting, sharing, updating, further improving and disseminating existing tools for transnational project management. PACE provides management and learning materials, tools, templates, checklists, methods etc. covering the whole process of European project management.
The PACE platform is a cloud-based solution which offers project management support tools making full use of multimedia, social media and mobile learning. It will work as a one-stop shop for accessing useful project management tools and finding peer support for addressing project challenges.
Criminal Justice Support Programme
The project ECOR – European Communities of Restoration, developed by die Berater® in collaboration with global prisoner support organisation Prison Fellowship International and the University of Cambridge’s prestigious Institute for Criminology sets out to demonstrate quite clearly the positive impact of alternative measures to detention, highlighting current international best practice, and transferability of this best practice into a suitable European model.
The concept of ECOR is based on the internationally implemented APAC methodology. Developed in Brazil in 1972, the APAC methodology (Association for Protection and Assistance to the Convicted) takes a holistic and organic approach to offender rehabilitation, has the ultimate goal of transforming prisoners into productive members of their families and communities. Today it is used widely in Brazilian prisons, with the result of a significantly lower recidivism rate, and it has been adapted in various other countries. The APAC methodology successfully empowers inmates to take responsibility for solving their personal and communal problems. Careful programming ensures that the four-phased incremental change process is successful in restoring the inmate to his family and community. Lower recidivism rates, lower levels of prison incidents and savings to the tax payer are clear benchmarks of APACs effectiveness.
Building Bridges
Criminal Justice Support Programme
Crime can be understood as violating behaviour which necessitates a social response and not only a legal one. Victims suffer from a number of effects in the aftermath of a crime: physical, psychological, financial, and social effects, and are therefore increasingly vulnerable to mental illness, traumatisation, or lower productivity than the general population. Psychological effects of crimes are common, but can be tackled using mediation or methods of restorative justice. A methodology known as the Sycamore Tree Project (STP), which has been tried and tested in North and South America as well as in some European countries, has shown positive effects in victim Support
In the original STP methodology unrelated victims and offenders are brought together in prisons in a 5-8 weeks intensive programme dealing with crime effects. Victims get the possibility to confront offenders. Through the mix of unrelated offenders and victims in this restorative mediation programme, offenders also gain a chance of changing their perspective about their crime, its effect in the lives of victims and a chance to work on values (like respect, empathy and accountability) and behaviour Change.
The proposed project will aim at exploring possibilities of transfer for STP to those European countries without such programmes and further adaptation of the programme in a multi-cultural settings inside and outside prisons. Building Bridges (Restorative Dialogues between victims and offenders), which shall be the new adapted name for STP in Europe, will be implemented 14 times in different settings inside and outside of prisons and facilitators shall be trained in the methodology. The project therefore contributes to the promotion of restorative justice processes between offenders and victims in Europe.
ASK – Parents as Key Facilitators: an Inclusive Approach to Sexual and Relationship Education on the Home Environment
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
Parents have a profound influence on the development of sexual attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors, especially in the years leading to early adolescence. Sexuality is a topic of paramount interest, on which many parents look for support but very little or no resource exists. Although parents want their children to be educated about sexuality, there appears to be a disconnect in parent-child communication on the subject. This project wants to fill this gap by developing a methodology and materials (a Tool Kit to be used by parents as a stand alone resource or with support by trainers and educators, and a training programme delivered face to face or at a distance,) addressed to parents that want to contribute to sex and relationship education of their children.
The development of these tools is based on the theory of family learning, which is the learning between different generations that happens inside families. The term refers to the sharing of information, thoughts, feelings and experiences between parents and children. Much family learning goes on informally, however organized and planned activities can be of great help, especially on topics on which parents don’t feel confident or lack adequate knowledge.
SASSI – Later-Life Career
In response to the challenges of Europe’s ageing of society and the need for longer working lives, the project SASSI- LLC aims at enhancing career guidance and counselling for people aged 55+ encouraging longer meaningful working lives and the development of Olderpreneurship. The project addresses career counsellors, trainers and coaches to improve their competences and skills in supporting older workers, job seekers and ‘unretirees’ to find their right career path in later life. A comprehensive learning programme will be developed including training manuals, age-sensitive methods, techniques and tools for C-VET professionals focusing on career change for older workers, (social) entrepreneurship development and the promotion of mobility learning experiences. An intercultural co-creation study week provides aspiring Olderpreneurs the chance to develop their own business idea in a European trading context.
GenDiv – Collaborative learning for gender diversity in decision making positions
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
Data shows that there is a wide gap between the proportion of employed women and those at board level in all EU Member States. In January 2012, women occupied on average just 13,7 % of board seats of the largest publicly listed companies in EU Member States. This is only a slight improvement from 11.8% in 2010. GenDiv aims of developing a learning programme to strenghten women’s leadership by acquiring those social and networking skills, behavioral guidelines necessary to encourage and enable them to make full use of their professional skills. This is the only way that will not allow critics to claim women are being promoted before they are ready.
The project will emphasise the relevance of gender equal¬ity for men by involving them in all it’s activities. A recent study of European Institute for Gender Equality revealed that compared to work on gender equality that focuses on women, areas of men work¬ing for gender equality are still under-developed. It is essential that men work towards genuine gender equality enabling women and men to enjoy new dimensions of social, economic, and professional life.
Lifelong Learning Programme / Leonardo da Vinci
Entrepreneurship is a topic of increasing importance across all EU countries. Despite the fact that most of them have developed various entrepreneurial programs, the topic is still rarely a part of a VET program or labour market courses. Thus, the entrepreneurship could be referred as a weak reference in the curricula of the VET system in EU. In this sense the main goal of the GEP VET project (Grow Entrepreneurship Potential in VET institutions) is to promote entrepreneurial culture among teachers and learners in VET institutions and labour market courses. The project aims to contribute to the development of entrepreneurial mind-set and behavior among adults involved in VET and labour market trainings through adaptation and transfer of a training course and a handbook previously developed in the EU Project PECAE. GEP VET will further develop and enrich the training curriculum with new and updated to the current needs modules and learning techniques. A so called online toolbox will be available via the project website which will be accessible for VET trainers, adult educators and all interested stakeholders, who would like to integrate entrepreneurship topics into their curricula.
Lifelong Learning Programme / Leonardo da Vinci
The professional development and the improvement of the quality of educational staff have been recognised as a priority at European level. However, there is not always a clear view of the competences needed to fulfil the professional tasks in vocational and adult learning, partly due to the diversity of the field.
The project PROVIDE aims to improve the quality of courses in the vocational education and training sector. PROVIDE seeks to merge the two successful approaches, LEVEL5 and KCAE, to transfer the emerging approach to the professional practice of educational staff in vocational learning (teachers, trainers, tutors and school/institution managers etc.). A competence based learning system for educational professionals will be developed – the PROVIDE system. This emerging system shall allow for acquiring and validating key competences for educators in different learning contexts, be it in continuing vocational training for educational professionals or at their work place.
PPS – Peer to Peer Support
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
The European Union’s population structure is changing and becoming progressively older – at the beginning of 2011, there were 87 million people aged 65 and over in the EU, more than 17 % of the total population. In response to demographic challenges being faced within Europe, the European Union designated 2012 as the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations.
Active ageing is a field in which a lot of information has been collected in recent years, for example on healthy dieting for older people, sports, or health promotion for older people. The WHO (2002) defines Active Ageing as “optimizing opportunities for health”. Health education is one way of optimizing health in old age. In the framework of a European project, 600 older people are asked about their opinion about active ageing education (2014). Then the project will develop an active ageing literacy course in ten modules for seniors 55+ years (2015).PPS develops a methodology based on peer to peer training so to foster active aging, either on small groups setting or at a distance using the Internet. The training will be aimed at rising perceived self-efficacy and copying skills of participants (elders 55+).
PACT (Project Actors Capacity in Caucasus) transfers knowledge on project development to the young researchers in the Caucasus Region. This will contribute to the capacity building and internationalisation of Caucasus universities and their staff. Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia all have national priorities in strengthening international relations. International project development skills and grant writing are seen as the basic skills for academic projects in the future.
die Berater® will offer training to young researchers on how to develop and structure their own project ideas. Within PACT project management support tools will be collected and adapted for the Caucasus region. All materials will be available on an interactive resource platform.
LBB – Languages Behind Bars
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
The growing numbers of foreign nationals in European prisons can result in cultural tensions and an inability to communicate basic needs, rights and obligations within the prison context. This can have a negative effect on offenders’ knowledge of legal rights, or court cases, access to medical and psychiatric care, participation in work, education and training, contact with family and the outside world, and resettlement opportunities. The overall aim of LBB will be to develop a multi-lingual, cross-cultural learning programme that incorporates not only the education of offenders on prison-communication and cross-cultural awareness, but also the education and certification of prison staff. LBB will develop methodologies to encourage inter-cultural exchange between offenders in prison, whilst promoting and assessing vocational communication skills amongst prison staff.
Get Ready 2 Work
European Social Fund
The project “Get Ready 2 Work” deals with the transfer of Austrian and German labour market know-how to Bulgaria. It provides know-know concerning labour market policy measures for early school leavers, youth and young adults that did not complete their vocational training and/or face socio-economic or other disadvantages. Exemplary strategies and measures for this target group are analyzed during study visits in Austria and Germany and adaption possibilities for Bulgaria are discussed. Based on that a labour-market pilot course including transnational exchange element, a train the trainer course and a course for staff with Human Resources responsibilities will be developed and implemented in Bulgaria with 50 young people, 20 trainer and 15 recruiters.
Ginco Tools & Training
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
This project is based on the experiences and results of GINCO – Grundtvig International Network of Course Organisers, which has been established from 2009 to 2012 with grant from the Lifelong Learning Programme and is now continuing its work. GINCO T&T is dedicated to organisers of European in-service-training courses for adult education staff. With a view to enhancing the quality of these courses, we seek to raise the level of professional competences of course organisers and trainers. A professional course offer developed for this purpose will focus in particular on (key)competence oriented learning and teaching, care for quality and evaluation and validation of learning outcomes, but it will also consider topics such as the use of ICT, linking to the EU programme policy as well as management, public relations and outreach. Moreover, existing supporting tools and materials will be collected and, if needed, adapted and an assessment and validation system for the key competences of European course organisers and trainers will be developed and tested.
Lifelong Learning Programme / KA
It is widely recognised that cultural and creative industries are drivers of socio-economic growth and contribute significantly to job-creation.The project EDUCCKATE (EDUcation Cultural & Creative Knowledge Alliance for Tomorrow’s Entrepreneurs)seeks to foster the connection between higher education institutes and the business world through the development and implementation of a mentoring system which connects entrepreneurs and students from creative and cultural fields. The project aims to provide students in creative and cultural majors with access to businesses, including creative and cultural oriented SMEs; opportunities to develop business projects and new professional paths.
Big Bang
Lifelong Learning Programme / Leonardo da Vinci
The project is aimed at ‘building a bridge’ between work based culture and the culture of social exclusion. This will include addressing the problem of low ambition of young people and those who are participating in anti-social and/or negative peer group behaviour, such as ‘gang’ culture and offending. The project will also address the disproportionate under representation of young people from marginalised groups (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and migrant communities) accessing initial Vocational Education Training, Educational, Information, Advise and Guidance and employment in the partner countries. Using proven employability programmes and the vocational and professional development of methodologies and material, the outcome will be to produce a holistic solution to this culture clash and to equip relevant professionals to more effectively assist young, marginalised people. For this, Big Bang adapts existing materials from the European Project YES, coordinated by die Berater®, as well as from the Dare2Achieve Programme.
Lifelong Learning Programme / Comenius
It is a fact that a sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship as one of the crucial key competences for lifelong learning of the European Commission is underrepresented in European secondary schools. Research reports show that girls are less motivated in pursuing entrepreneurial careers in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), opting rather for traditional jobs. ICT can provide a flexible and potential motivational environment for empowering young girls in their future choices, their studies and jobs.
The ICT-go-Girls project aims to enhance entrepreneurship skills among lower secondary school girls, by using ICT as the key element. Young girls 10 to 14 will be empowered with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be able to create future opportunities for innovation and quality ICT related employment. This project involves relevant actors from the ICT sector such as schools, universities, teacher training institutions, ICT research centres, educational administrations etc. in Europe and overseas spreading to Australia where research studies can be compared to the European results. ICT-go-Girls focuses on key competences for lifelong learning such as: Entrepreneurship, Digital Competence, Mathematical Literacy and Communication in Foreign Languages.
Lifelong Learning Programme / KA3
Nowadays, e-learning and distance education is often part of formal learning in schools, universities and in adult education. In e-learning learners and teachers are – either for the whole learning process or for parts of the learning process – separated from each other which can make it difficult to predict the accuracy of a performance
The CRITON project (Prediction of e-learners’ progress and timely assessment of the achievement of learning outcomes in Lifelong Learning) aims at reducing the number of young and adult learners who are at risk of dropping out of e-learning or failing an e-learning class with a prediction system. On the one hand learners get the possibility with the CRITON E-Platform to predict whether or not they reach the defined learning outcomes and on the other hand teachers get the possibility to assess the strengths and weaknesses of their students in using e-learning and distant learning and can then communicate possible next steps.
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
The European Commission has identified 8 Key Competences for lifelong learning: a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for personal fulfilment and development, social inclusion, active citizenship and employment. VINTAGE (Online Tool for Self Evaluation of Key Competences in Adult Age) aims to develop an easy-to-use online tool to self-assess the Key Competences, based on a set of indicators and descriptors for each competence according to standardized levels. Thanks to this tool adult and elderly people can autonomously self-assess their competences level and record it in a Basic Portfolio and in the Europass CV to make it visible and exploitable. VINTAGE is targeted to adult learners and to the practitioners working in the field of adult education.
APPSA – Achieve Pedestrian Priority and Safety
Lifelong Learning Programme / Leonardo da Vinci
The objective of the European Project APPSA (Achieving Pedestrian Priority and Safety) is to implement the EU standards for pedestrian priority in big cities, showing the applicability of these standards in pilot areas by dissemination activities. It aims to provide pedestrian safety by creating a learning model that will teach the traffic culture to pedestrians and pedestrian culture to drivers through vocational trainings.
European Workplace Tutor
Lifelong Learning Programme / Leonardo da Vinci
The European Workplace Tutor is a training programme which aims at equipping trainers with the competences they need to plan, deliver and evaluate training, to guide learning processes at the workplace, to assess individual and organisational training requirements and respond to them. The EWT project aims at transferring the training contents of this training programme to new countries (Romania, Spain and Hungary) as well as to further embed it in existing structures by developing common standards and exploring certification and permeability between educational sub-systems.
Lifelong Learning Programme / KA 2
The fundamental goal of the project Everyplace is to develop learning materials for the learning of less-widely used languages, combined with targeted intercultural elements to enhance communication competences amongst the staff of SME organisations (small and medium enterprises) operating in cross-cultural environments, and for students on exchange programmes in areas where English is not commonly spoken. Within Everyplace an online, open and free educational resource will be created that provides flexible learning opportunities, in the learners’ native language, thus offering opportunities to learn LWUTLs when there is a lack of LWUTL teachers and
Lifelong Learning Programme / KA3
pan lang=”EN-US”>Wiki tools are used worldwide as a collaborative and participative working processes tool mostly to organise and develop information from an open group of users. Those collaborative groups, beyond the technical
knowledge, need a set of rules governing users’ behaviours, so a respectful and civil interaction can take place. WikiSkills aims to investigate the impact of wikis on society as their use implies very important social behaviours such as cooperation, respect, team working, content development and community management. The WikiSkills project aims to analyse and apply benefits of using wikis for lifelong learning programmes, thus empowering civic behaviour, social inclusion, employability, cultural understanding and abilities to learn autonomously.
RIVER – Recognition of Intergenerational Volunteering Experience and Results
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
Promoting active-aging senior volunteering has an invaluable effect on our societies. Given the demographic trend and the increasing number of elderly people in Europe, it is even more crucial to create opportunities for elderly to stay active. Senior volunteering brings generations together and creates benefits for both the volunteers and the organisations involved. The EU project RIVER aims at making the learning benefits of senior volunteering activities visible, providing and improving learning opportunities for the increasing number of senior citizens in Europe, developing and testing a planning and validation system for senior volunteering and motivating older people to engage in senior volunteering as a learning experience. Within RIVER a comprehensive tool for the planning as well as the assessment of competence development in senior volunteering will be developed.
Lifelong Learning Programme / KA3
Europe is evolving into a service-based society. Professional life and career development are ever more increasingly determined by continuous learning helping to adapt to rapidly changing demands. In the service sector, especially personal and social competences are necessary, thus becoming competitive factors at the job level.
VITA stands for “Validation of Service re¬lated Learning Outcomes with an IT-based Assessment and Evidencing System.” It aims at validating personal, social and organisational competences that are important for the service-based economy and which are developed in different informal learning contexts; e.g. in and around schools, higher education institutes, the workplace and in adult learning contexts. With its cross-cutting approach which applies across different educational sectors VITA will contribute to a higher variability of learning pathways and eventually to a better matching of learning contents and individual learning styles. Documentation and eviden¬ces will be provided in the LEVEL5 software and the
E-MARIA Domestic Violence Risk Assessment
Criminal Justice Support Programme
According to the Council of Europe 12% to 15% of European Women over 16 suffered domestic abuse in a relationship (2008). Risk assessment – applying formal instruments to assess the likelihood that intimate partner violence will be repeated and escalated – plays a central role to combat domestic abuse. It is the basis for establishing a safety plan to guarantee the safety and security, preventing further acts of violence or murder and allowing survivors of violence to live a life without violence. The Project E-MARIA intends to improve the intervention in domestic violence by developing innovative approaches to and instruments for risk assessment in order to increase the prediction of re-assault and to promote the safety and security of victims of violence. The main objectives of the project are to promote the recovery of survivors of domestic violence, and consequently their empowerment and autonomy, to prevent further victimisation; to promote the collaboration among stakeholders involved in the support and safety planning of women and children, as well as to develop formal and informal networks.
CLC – Creative Learning Communities
Lifelong Learning Programme / Leonardo da Vinci
The Creative Learning Communities is coordinated by die Berater®. CLC will empower the teaching of key competences in VET education with learners from “groups at risk”, that is the group of people who are disadvantaged by their geographic area, their position on the labour market and insufficient education or their background. Creativity is intended to include the development of new ideas (think divergently or laterally) and the solution of problems, planning and taking risks (convergent thinking). Therefore a toolbox with creative thinking methods and a guide on how to facilitate the acquisition of the creative element in key competences will be developed for VET trainers in the partner languages. During focus group sessions trainers and learners will commonly test and evaluate these materials. The creative techniques are on the one hand very easy to apply and on the other hand very favoured by the groups concerned. Therefore they will also be very important in the future.
Lifelong Learning Programme / KA 4
Xploit ambitiously aims at the utilisation of European projects´ results and products for fostering the process of cities and regions to become “learning communities”. Therefore processes for the identification of learning needs, the adaption and implementation of EU project products will be developed and tested die Berater® are in charge of the projects’ quality management and offers strategic advice to the project coordinator.
Virtual stages against violence
The project is based on the idea that often new technologies, which today are the main carriers of information and are increasingly accessible to children and young people, if not used properly can be understood as a source of risks such as distorted messages, risk of encountering people with false identities, violent representations of reality, and much more. In the scope of the project different products will be developed, for example a multiplayer online game, a theatre play, video materials and manuals. These products shall indicate playfully potential risks, abuse and its impacts. Furthermore, a study with young people aged 14-16, parents and teachers will be carried out in order to determine the status quo with regards to new media in the project partner countries and to compare it. die Berater® act among others as the technical leader with regards to the development of the multiplayer online game.
Climes – Climate Friendly Management in European Schools
Lifelong Learning Programme / Comenius
Climate change represents one of the greatest environmental, social and economic threats facing the planet. Especially the younger generation needs to learn to live sustainably in order to counteract climate change and subsequent environmental problems. CLIMES is a practical learning project aiming for climate-friendly management in European schools. By combining innovative learning approaches and instruments on curricular and extracurricular levels with state of the art management techniques the project contributes to the promotion of transversal key competences in European school education. CLIMES consists of a multi-stakeholder partnership of organisations from 6 countries (DE, IT, AT, PT, SE and TK), namely schools, universities, education institutions and a county government. CLIMES will set up a comprehensive management system for climate mitigation and adaptation for European schools. die Berater® are responsible for the valorisation strategy of the climate-friendly products at local, national and EU-level. In this context a “CLIMES Community” will be set up. Furthermore, die Berater® are going to organise an EU-wide competition with a “Climate-Friendly Schools Award” for the best climate-friendly school in Europe.
E-NLL – Never late to learn
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
E-NLL (Never Late to Learn! Promoting Opportunities for Learning in Later Life) is a network of educational institutions that offer learning opportunities for senior learners. The main objective is the collection and utilisation of best practices with regard to the target group. Therefore the 25 network partners from 14 countries work out case studies and guidelines for the purpose of transfer of innovative practices, and organise appropriate dissemination events. Furthermore E-NLL wants to announce grant opportunities of the European Commission for senior citizens to a broad public.
ACT-Net – Active Citizen Training Network
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
Informal learning is becoming more important but the evaluation and proof of competencies achieved from informal learning activities is difficult. Within the framework of the preceding project ACT (Active Citizen Training) a comprehensive approach was developed towards evaluation of informal learning and its effects on competencies in relation to active citizenship. ACT-Net will transfer this approach to other areas of informal learning and develop a web-based software to be able to provide an ensured and user friendly system of proof of results of informal learning. At the end of the project there should be a sustainable network on the topic that will be represented by key institutions in at least 15 European partner countries.
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
The cooperation in European Grundtvig activities, in which multinational consortiums develop new products, services and approaches, implies an immense potential for informal learning of the involved actors. These internal learning processes have only been evaluated insufficiently so far. In the VIP Project (Validation of Informal Learning in Grundtvig Projects and Partnerships) a tailor made reference system for the acquisition of informally acquired competences through Grundtvig activities as multilateral projects, partnerships and networks will be developed and tested. Furthermore a training course for project actors that addresses related issues will be developed.
Infonet II – European InfoNet Adult Education II
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
Infonet II is the continuation and development of a European network developed in 2005, that circulates information on European adult education. InfoNet offers an infrastructure and journalistic services to strengthen the European dimension in adult education. A total of 31 network partners from 18 countries work as correspondents and/or experts in groups on specific topics and provide first quality information on trends, projects and research results, developments, best practices and news from the EU member states and at a European level for adult educators and adult teaching Institutions as well as for relevant media and journalists. Articles resulting from this network are made available on the InfoNet database, and six times a year an “Info letter” provides a helpful overview of the most important articles. die Berater®along with their involvement in Info-Net expert groups is also responsible for the quality management of the network.
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
The European Quality Charter for Mobility puts major emphasis on the recognition and certification as well as on the evaluation of learning outcomes of mobility actions. Much of the learning occurring in this context is informal, and an appropriate validation system should take this into account. VILMA (Validation of Informal Learning in Mobility Actions) provides a comprehensive approach and a consistent set of instruments to assess and evidence the impact of mobility learning on the competence development of the individual learner. The consortium therefore seeks to transfer an innovative evaluation system (LEVEL 5) that has been developed, piloted and scientifically evaluated in more than 40 adults learning projects by adapting it to the specific context of mobility. die Berater® will contribute to this development and test the product in different mobility actions in Austria. Moreover they are responsible for the valorisation of the VILMA approach.
Integration through Exchange
The project “VERA” (Experience Diversity – Working at the Regional Level) is funded by the “German Programme Integration through Exchange”. VERA aims to increase mobility and the chances on the labour market for disadvantaged young people and young adults, single mothers and single fathers, through transnational exchange between the Brandenburg region in Germany, Spain and Austria. They should have the possibility to enhance their practice-oriented know-how and competencies in Austria and Spain. First and foremost they should be supported in the professional areas of handcraft and tourism in order to gain a foothold on the labour market or to gain experience as entrepreneurs and freelancers. For this purpose die Berater® organize hands-on training courses and support participants during their stay in Austria.
PACT – Promoting Awareness for Corporation and Training in the Field of Domestic Violence
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
Domestic violence is an issue that should be recognized by all institutions that commit themselves to work with people. Violence in families crosses all socio-economic levels, age, groups, races, religions, and countries. As studies show each fourth woman faces domestic violence once in her life. Despite the increased attention to the issue and many positive developments in policy and practices, campaigns and activities, it is still widespread in all European countries. For the staff of concerned organisations PACT will develop a modular e-learning course for the early recognition and concrete support of persons concerned. An additional aim it is to establish international networking and extend network that already exist in the field.
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
The GINCO network (International Network of Course Organisers) with 21 partners from 15 countries aims at improving quality of and the access to European further education offers for staff members of adult education providers funded by the Grundtvig programme. The network provides a basis to share expertise, to create and share useful material and cooperation in order to harmonize further education offers according to the strategies of the Lifelong Learning Programme. GINCO serves as an interface to the National Agencies and the European Commission, enhances the communication between all stakeholders and disseminates Grundtvig course offer information. die Berater® are in charge of the dissemination and sustainable use of the network results and of the establishment of the conditions needed to reach the network aims.
VAB – Valuing Activities Beyond School
Lifelong Learning Programme / Leonardo-da-Vinci
Many European countries face high unemployment rates among young university graduates. One of the main points of criticism of potential employers is the missing practical experience of students. VAB engages in the development of an interactive tool for the identification and acknowledgement competences required outside of the university by personal, social and vocational activities. Thus the project consortium wants to support teaching staff at European universities to adjust their work to the needs of the labour market. die Berater® will test the tool in Austria and provide their evaluation expertise to the project management.
RUeNTER – Capacity Building through ICT in Rural Areas
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
Limited application of information and communication technologies (ICT) is still a barrier for the broad participation of rural area residents in lifelong learning. RUeNTER wants to contribute to the reduction of this barrier with the help of innovative methods. Based on the analyses of the actual situation concerning the use of ICT in rural areas of Greek, Austria, Rumania and Spain a web portal with different ICT services for adults in rural areas will be developed. Moreover the consortium will create a transferable further education concept in order to prepare adults in rural areas for the use of ICT services.
Lifelong Learning Programme / KA4
EXACT (Expert and Excellence Academy for Teachers) aims at closing the gap between a large number of potentially useful, but often “semi-finished” educational tools and approaches which have been developed by EU projects in education and training on the one hand, and the unmet need to test them in different environments, adapt and further develop them so that they can be made widely available to education professionals who work with difficult lifelong learning target groups. The project partners from all regions of Europe want to offer the results of this work in an independent and sustainable “Centre of Excellence” to be established which systematically exploits results of former European projects financed by the LLP, Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci, and Youth and Minerva programmes.
Devoted – Development of Trainers in Education
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
This project seeks to deepen and extend competences (knowledge, attitudes, abilities) of teachers and trainers that work with disadvantaged people. To this end existing pedagogical and didactical best practice examples in the fields of “intercultural communication”, “Gender and Diversity”, “Key competences” and “ICT and creative competences” are going to be revised and utilized. Devoted will also do the first step for the establishment of a European “Centre Of Excellence”.
BOIT – Burnout Intervention Training for Managers and Team Leaders
Lifelong Learning Programme / Leonardo da Vinci
Occupational illnesses associated with psychological stress are on the rise throughout the EU member states. The BOIT project coordinated by die Berater® addresses a specific mental health syndrome characterized by emotional, mental and physical exhaustion: burnout. The aim of this project is to prevent working situations that promote burnout, and to enable managers and team leaders to recognize the burnout signals among their staff at an early stage. Furthermore this target group learns to define strategies for intercepting the burnout process in the course of a blended learning training.
Health Box – Integration of Health Issues in Adult Education
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
Adults who are socio-economically disadvantaged, with a low level of education and those with a migration background belong to the groups of adults most at risk of acquiring a physical or mental lifestyle disease. A strategy designed to help them to acquire a healthier lifestyle and thus prevent illness must seek to address where these adults may be reached rather than expecting them to seek out health education seminars. That is why the project Health Box wants to make adult educators who work with the final beneficiaries in different contexts aware of health issues and provide them with ready-to use training materials for health promotion which they can easily integrate in classes on subjects other than health. Health Box is coordinated by die Berater®.
EduCore – Educational Counselling during Rehabilitation
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
EduCoRe (Educational Counselling during Rehabilitation) is built on the experiences gained in the successful European project e-Hospital ( which examined the potential for hospitals as a place of informal learning and information and communication technologies for the further education of patients. Seven e-learning courses for different patient groups were developed and tested in hospitals in six different countries. During these courses patient groups with specific needs were identified:
Patients whose ability to work was endangered after an accident or through physical damage after an illness. Long-term treatment in medical rehabilitation centres serve to remedy or at least minimize their physical handicaps. But a comprehensive rehabilitation also contains a social and an occupational aspect and often requires a fundamental professional re-orientation and further education. With EducoRe die Berater® coordinates a project that offers rehab patients an enduring educational and professional counselling system, which, supported by e-learning and e-counselling elements, is tailored to the specific needs and conditions in rehabilitation centres. In a publication the responsible protagonists will also receive good practice based on the experiences, recommendations and examples. A special incentive for the implementation of this latest project is the award of the Austrian State Prize for Adult Education 2008 by the Austrian Ministry for Education, Art and Culture in the category innovation for the preceding project e-Hospital.
Hattrick – Football – Learning – Integration
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
The social integration of people with a migrant background still presents a big challenge for Europe. The football pitch, however, is one of the few social locations where integration seems to be successful in many cases. A lot of young migrant people show enthusiasm in (team) sports, with young men especially keen on football. Playing football in a team not only implies sportive aspects as the ball technique or the fitness of the players but also offers various opportunities of social learning and developing transversal competences as target orientation and capacity for teamwork – independent from cultural background. By facilitating football trainers to make aware and develop further attitudes and competences acquired through playing football Hattrick uses this potential of young migrants. In that way Hattrick helps to increase the chances for successful participation in lifelong learning and social integration.
IC Teacher – Information and communication technology competences and educational applications for teachers
Lifelong Learning Programme / Comenius
Although many EU member states have successfully extended their educational institutions to include information and communication technology (ICT) there is still a great gap in the integration of this technology into school curricula. Especially teachers of older age groups have difficulties in using this technology to create an up-to-date, attractive and effective tuition for their pupils who mostly have a high affinity to and are well versed in IT. IC Teacher wants to point out the advantages of a meaningful integration of ICT elements into tuition of the primary and secondary school levels and strengthen the basic IT competence of teachers as well as the didactic competences to integrate these into pedagogic practice. To this purpose a curriculum with appropriate training material and tests for teachers and trainee teachers has been developed, tested and implemented internationally based on the results of a thorough needs analysis in the partner countries. ICTeacher is coordinated by die Berater®.
FAIRSTART – Strengthening competences for the supervision of small children in children’s homes and orphanages with the aid of digital media
Lifelong Learning Programme / Leonardo da Vinci
On average in Europe 11 from 10,000 children live in orphanages, amongst them very small children (0-3 years of age). Early and adequate care of these children is necessary to give them the best possible start into a healthy and fulfilled life. The requirements and types of care in the EU countries varies widely, there is no requirement for specific qualifications for personnel responsible for the care of small children. FAIRSTART tackles this need by initiating a European exchange of experts on this topic and developing and testing concepts to train the essential competencies for the best possible care of small children in orphanages and children’s homes. With this FAIRSTART has made the first step towards developing a European qualification framework. In addition the requirements are examined for the realization of a process of life-long learning already at the age of small children and corresponding measures suggested.
BASIC-LIFE – Basic Web 2.0 Skills by Learning in Family Environment
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
Along with school and other public institutions the family plays a key role in education. Learning processes that take place in the family have a fundamental influence on children and it has been proven that the active participation of parents in their education increases the level of education they achieve. Inter-generation learning within the family also increases the chances of life-long learning of adults and to keep up with continuously changing environmental conditions. BASIC-LIFE wants to make a contribution to the role of the family in the learning society with the development of a model for generation spanning and interactive attainment of basic competencies in Web 2.0 By acquiring modern information and communication technologies parents will be better equipped to understand the learning process of their children and capable of giving self confident, up-to-date and attractive help in learning.die Berater® bring their expertise as project evaluators into this project.
Survival Kit
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
Even if the European education programmes are in their third period it can not be assumed that adult educators already have a solid basis for successful project management which is sufficient for the complex requirements of controlling multilateral projects within the Life-Long Learning Programme. In the Survival Kit project (Survival Kit for Life-Long Learning Projects) a group of experts under the guidance of die Berater®publishes a manual for the management of European education projects. This publication, requested by the European Commission, is basically represents a new edition of the manual, “A Survival Kit for European Project Management, Advice for Coordinators of Centralised Socrates Projects.” published by the authors 9 years ago and which is widely recognized as a standard work within European education circles. with substantial up-dates and enlargements.
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
Networking as a key competence for resolving structural problems. As part of the EU’s funding programme for lifelong learning, the networks of further education institutions play a major role. COMNet (Competences for Networking in European Education), with die Berater® as the coordinators, are developing and piloting a strategy and training materials in the form of eLearning and a Web-based platform. These can be used for training courses on networking and managing European networks. COMNet’s target group includes interested educationalists, adult educators, trainers, programme managers, managers at educational institutions, academics and assessors.
YES – Youth Employment Support
Lifelong Learning Programme / Leonardo da Vinci
Employing young people is particularly challenging for small and medium-sized companies (SMEs). Many applicants have failed to finish school, have no vocational training and are often socio-economically disadvantaged. The YES project, coordinated by die Berater®, is developing, testing and implementing a wide-ranging support system for HR managers, those responsible for recruitment and development in SMEs, and training managers and trainers in SMEs who work with young people. Their ability to interact with young people should be enhanced by blended learning, coaching services and a learning platform for reciprocally supporting SMEs. The project’s findings will be presented at an international conference. The project is being run at our Salzburg offices, drawing substantially on the projects to help young people find employment that have been done there.
Parents as family vocational advisors for children
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
There are currently no training options for parents wishing to help their children with career development. The objective of “Parents as family vocational adviser for children” is to train parents in their role as career advisers for their children using eLearning training materials and, at the same time, to provide support via a Web-based platform. The parents involved can use this to share experiences, and careers advisory agencies can use it to obtain information. As well as helping to design the training materials, die Berater® contribute their skills as assessors to the project consortium.
COMMPACT – careers-based language community and learning materials for Polish, Czech and English
Lifelong Learning Programme / Leonardo da Vinci
The COMMPACT project set itself the objective of increasing the range of Polish and Czech language courses for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Europe. As these languages are not spoken by many people, the quantity of learning material is correspondingly limited. In COMMPACT, existing training material will be enhanced and supplemented by English. A Web-based language community for German, Czech, Polish and English will also be set up to serve as a communication platform and culture portal alongside the blended learning courses. The project is aimed at trainees, as it is assumed that the expansion of the European Union will increase demand greatly over the coming years. As well as helping to design the training materials, die Berater® contribute their skills as assessors to the project consortium.
An aim of the European Commission is to improve cooperation between educational institutions in Europe. Experience from previous EU projects shows that specific, intercultural skills are required for cross-border project work. Communication, primarily based on virtual tools, is a particular challenge. The objective of InterTool is to provide European project managers and teams in the adult education sector with specific, basic, intercultural skills, with particular reference to the virtual dimension. A publication, an interactive online tool for acquiring intercultural competencies, and a corresponding international training course are being developed.
DYACIT – Developing Young Adults’ Creativity through Information Technologies
Young people’s enthusiasm for new technologies should be used to increase the motivation to learn of potential school dropouts. DYACIT is aiming to use didactic and educational methods to help create more flexible and innovative learning environments.
eHospital: eLearning for patients in hospitals
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
This EU project builds on our long experience with training courses for young people with cancer to acquire the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL). Under the leadership of die Berater®, eHospital is developing and trialing, in five countries, eLearning courses for patients who have to spend lengthy periods in hospital. This unique, Europe-wide project is intended to aid patients’ mental and physical recovery and make it easier for them to return to, or find, work. The findings will go towards a manual for trainers who wish to offer eLearning courses in the unusual area of hospitals.
PECAE – Promoting Entrepreneurial Culture in Adult Education
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
In today’s fast-moving employment market, “entrepreneurship” as an interpersonal skill is becoming increasingly important. Creative, entrepreneurial staff are a valuable resource for companies. The self-employment option is important to many trainees. In this project, a course for adult educators is being developed, tested and implemented which will help to transmit entrepreneurial values, behaviours and personal skills as interdisciplinary subjects.
PAFTAH – Police And Fans Together Against Hooliganism
Many major events, particularly football events, are overshadowed by violence, racism and xenophobia. PAFTAH – “Police And Fans Together Against Hooliganism” – is developing and testing a modular course model for fans and stewards, police and security forces to acquire personal conflict management and prevention skills. A code of behaviour for stewards, police and security forces, and an ethical code for journalists, will also be drawn up. Given the EURO 2008 tournament, the subject of the project is particularly relevant in Austria.
ADEC – Adult Educator in Company
Leonardo da Vinci
Knowledge transfer as a key success factor. Many of the experts, subject specialists and managers involved in in-house knowledge transfer and development have a great depth of knowledge but little or no training background. ADEC is a Leonardo da Vinci project that is developing and testing a training programme tailored to the needs of in-house knowledge transferers. The aim is to provide instruction in the latest teaching, training and coaching methods in a compact way.
METHODA – Methodological Exchange between Trainers of Disadvantaged Adults
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
The METHODA learning partnership involves institutions from Austria, Denmark, Scotland, France, Spain and Italy who work with disadvantaged youth unemployment, social disadvantages, illiteracy, school dropouts, drug risks, etc.). The aim is to share different educational strategies and methods so that each institution can improve its own practices. As part of the learning partnership, joint trans-national seminars are held for trainers and young people. The project is being run from our Salzburg office.
Educationalists increasingly regard effective networking skills as a key competence. Networks for sharing experiences and disseminating best practice are playing an increasing part in the EU’s funding programmes, too. The Euroweaving Project (Guidance and Training for European networks in adult and school education), coordinated by die Berater®, led to the publication of “The Art of Networking”, which helps network actors to professionally plan and implement European networks.
ACCED – Continuing Education Designed for Counsellors Working in Adult Education
Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig
The EU are aiming to improve the quality and availability of education and career counselling to give everyone in Europe access to lifelong learning options. In this project, with a view to improving the skills of European careers and educational counsellors, training materials are being developed, bundled into a further education course, tested and then made available internationally.
HaLE – Health and Languages for Europe
Leonardo da Vinci
With a view to achieving smooth communication within security units and in cases of medical urgency, HaLE is developing language courses for medical and security professions. The intended outcome of these eLearning-based courses is to have basic skills that can be learned quickly, which are tailored to the specific communication needs in this area, and which can be used in an emergency.
INSPIRE – Integrating Socrates Projects’ Ideas and Results across Europe
To make the results and educational products from Socrates projects more accessible to adult educators, 2 information and promotion events are being organised in the 6 partner countries.
IT’s Time – educational qualification for professional trainers
Lifelong Learning Programme / Leonardo da Vinci
It’s Time is aimed at corporate trainers and tutors in Europe who wish to develop their vocational education and organisational skills and acquire certified proof of competence for professional reasons. By embedding the training in the various National Qualifications Frameworks (NQF) and the European Qualifications Frameworks (EQF), the aim is to help improve the transparency and mutual recognition of qualifications. die Berater® contribute their skills as assessors to the project consortium.
SME in Dialogue
Leonardo da Vinci
As part of the SME in Dialogue project, online learning materials are being developed for modern, needs-based, training for SMEs in the Czech and Polish languages. The development of vocational field-based language and media skills and of intercultural skills plays a particular role in this.
E.G.E.I.S. – European Guidance and the Evaluation of Informal Skills
Leonardo da Vinci
The E.G.E.I.S. Leonardo da Vinci project developed a curriculum and training model for getting European careers counsellors qualified. It was an attempt to help introduce unified careers guidance standards to the diverse careers guidance landscape in the European Union and to provide careers counsellors with cross-border information about the employment market in Europe. Based on extensive research of the current situation in Italy, Austria, France, Greece and Slovenia, a CD with training materials was produced.
CAPCUP – Centros de Acção para uma Cultura de Paz e Não-Violência
Leonardo da Vinci
CAPCUP tackles the issue of violence in schools. The idea was to empower teachers and trainers to deal with violence and to learn how to develop successful counter-strategies.
A self-learning CD was developed to give teachers and trainers the skills to establish a non-violent culture in their work area.
FEMPOWERMENT – Strengthening and qualifying young and adult women
Within the Community’s EQUAL initiative, the fempowerment development partnership was funded to reduce the disadvantages suffered in the employment market by young and adult women with lower qualifications. Atypical employment relations were particularly relevant. A module was created to help acquire fundamental IT skills on a needs basis, and a priority was personalised qualification measures using new learning methods such as eLearning. Partner companies cooperated to provide work placements that enabled the qualifications gained to be put into practice.
In.Tra – Informal Training: Recognition and Accreditation
As part of the YOUTH programme, the In.Tra (“Informal Training: Recognition and Accreditation”) project sought to make informal learning visible. The project partners, from Italy, France, Spain and Austria, developed and tested methods which would enable young people to show what they learned through informal means in a digital portfolio. To trial the innovative methods, portfolios were put onto CD-ROM for disadvantaged youth in the partner countries and, in January 2004, these were presented at an international conference for experts in the area of informal learning.
DAT – Database Advanced Training
Leonardo da Vinci
Database Advanced Training was used to develop a cross-border training database. The project, which ran from December 1999 to May 2001, involved die Berater® and partners from Germany, Greece and the Czech Republic. The target group for the resulting training database is people in rural or structurally weak regions, disabled persons, unemployed persons and young people who can get an overview of training options using DAT on the Internet in multilingual versions. This will improve their chances of getting into or returning to the employment market. The exclusion of groups who are disadvantaged in the labour market will be avoided.
Europa fIT – European mobility projects
Leonardo da Vinci
The global employment market requires a willingness to be mobile and the possession of global personal, intercultural, specific professional and IT skills. Within the Leonardo da Vinci vocational training programme, die Berater® led a number of international mobility projects for those graduating from higher vocational colleges. A 13-week posting proved to be the ideal period for learning the language, country, people and organisational structures and to acquire new job skills.
![CESandL LOGO](
Language graduates often lack practical business competences employers seek in job candidates. die Berater® is involved in the EU- funded project “Crafting Employability Strategies for HE students of Languages in Europe”, in short: CES&L, with partners from Ireland, Italy, Poland, Scotland, Bulgaria and Germany. The aim of the project is to enhance employability of young academics who have just completed a degree in languages. To this end, a survey among HR managers is carried out to find out which competences, work and intercultural experience of graduates are most important for employers. On the basis of the survey results a series of employability workshops from will be adapted and complementary modules will be developed.