Publications cooperation competence

Not only do we participate in European projects and consult our clients on European funding and project management, but we have also authored several publications which are recommended by the European Commission to project applicants and coordinators. These publications deal with the competencies needed for successful cooperation in European projects and networks.

Survival Kit. Managing Multilateral Projects in the Lifelong Learning Programme

The Survival Kit aims to provide guidance for education professionals on how to plan, organise, implement, monitor and evaluate, disseminate and sustain Multilateral Projects in Grundtvig and other actions of the Lifelong Learning Programme.
Download: DE EN  FR  IT  RO  Tools

The Art of Networking. European Networks in Education

Networking is a key competence for solving structural problems. The Art of Networking is addressed to professionals in education – teachers, trainers, programme developers, managers, researchers and evaluators – who are already involved in networks or may wish to be so in the future. This publication deals with network theory as well as planning, implementation, promotion, evaluation and sustainability of European networks in EU support programmes for lifelong learning.
Download: DE EN FR

Resource Pack for Networkers

Resource Pack for Networkers refers to t he publication “The Art of Networking. European Networks in Education“; and is meant to be used in combination with it. The Pack contains a range of learning materials which enhance the key competence to act in inter-personal and inter-organisational networks in the area of education.
Download: DE EN FR Resources

Survival Kit. Managing Multilateral Projects in the Lifelong Learning Programme

The Art of Networking. European Networks in Education

Resource Pack for Networkers

The Survival Kit aims to provide guidance for education professionals on how to plan, organise, implement, monitor and evaluate, disseminate and sustain Multilateral Projects in Grundtvig and other actions of the Lifelong Learning Programme. Networking is a key competence for solving structural problems. The Art of Networking is addressed to professionals in education – teachers, trainers, programme developers, managers, researchers and evaluators – who are already involved in networks or may wish to be so in the future. This publication deals with network theory as well as planning, implementation, promotion, evaluation and sustainability of European networks in EU support programmes for lifelong learning. Resource Pack for Networkers refers to t he publication “The Art of Networking. European Networks in Education“; and is meant to be used in combination with it. The Pack contains a range of learning materials which enhance the key competence to act in inter-personal and inter-organisational networks in the area of education.
Download: DE EN FR IT RO Tools Download: DE EN FR Download: DE EN FR Resources

Project publications


LBB – Languages Behind Bars

Languages Behind Bars (LBB) is a support tool developed for European prisons, and is concerned with three closely interlinked themes: Communication in Multilingual Prisons, Prison Education, and the Professional Training and Development of Prison Staff. The LBB workbook is a response to the lack of context-specific materials for learning to communicate in prison settings. It provides a set of learning units designed to meet the communication needs in a prison context, emphasising not only functional language, but also exposing learners to a culture of positive interaction in this setting.
Download Good Practice Guide: DE EN FR NL BG
Download Workbook: DE EN FR NL BG

RIVER – Reveal the learning potential of volunteering

This publication provides an exploration of the processes and results of a transnational project that focused on three major themes and the possible links between them: volunteering, intergenerational learning, and recognition and validation of learning. The project’s contribution to these themes, and to promoting European Union policies in this regard, is a new methodology for recognising learning and competence development in volunteering activities: the RIVER Methodology. The methodology reveals the development of competences in volunteering settings, and this publication includes an example of specific application to the development of the competence “Intergenerational Cooperation”.
Download: DE EN FI HU IT

BOIT – Burnout Intervention Training for Managers and Team Leaders

The Burnout Intervention Training for Managers and Team Leaders (BOIT for short) pursues a policy which aims not only to raise awareness of Burnout but also to develop and provide tailor-made Burnout prevention and intervention strategies. This practice report has been produced based on the experience gained during the BOIT project and was written by a team of educators, e-learning facilitators and project managers. This publication addresses managers, team leaders and other members middle management as well as representatives of social insurance agencies, labour market and pension services.
Download: DE EN IT DK RO
Download: Tools

Health Box – Integrating health issues in adult educationg

Health Box aims at supporting socio-economically disadvantaged persons in different training settings which target to improve the persons’ employability to convince them of pursuing healthy life habits. This brochure was developed as a part of the Health Box and is addressed to adult educators working with this target group, training providers, decision makers and multipliers in adult education, government, social and labour market organisations, umbrella associations and networks in adult education as well as the public in large.
Download: DE EN IT SE DK RO
Download: Tools
HATTRICK Good Practice brochurefinal_DE.pdf

Hattrick – Football, Learning, Integration<

With this publication football coaches and trainers in adult education receive guidance through aims, paths and links about football and life long learning approach in practice – as used and tested in the project HATTRICK. The HATTRICK Good Practice publication, is the result of a 2 years EU-project of Grundtvig Programme, about lifelong learning, exchanged between 7 partners from different European countries. This brochure provides insights and recommendations on football, learning and integration.
Download: DE EN FR IT NL BG
Download: Tools

Survival Kit. Managing Multilateral Projects in the Lifelong Learning Programme

The Survival Kit aims to provide guidance for education professionals on how to plan, organise, implement, monitor and evaluate, disseminate and sustain Multilateral Projects in Grundtvig and other actions of the Lifelong Learning Programme.
Download: DE EN FR IT RO

The Art of Networking. European Networks in Education

Networking is a key competence for solving structural problems. The Art of Networking is addressed to professionals in education – teachers, trainers, programme developers, managers, researchers and evaluators – who are already involved in networks or may wish to be so in the future. This publication deals with network theory as well as planning, implementation, promotion, evaluation and sustainability of European networks in EU support programmes for lifelong learning.
Download: DE EN FR

Resource Pack for Networkers

Networking is a key competence for solving structural problems. The Art of Networking is addressed to professionals in education – teachers, trainers, programme developers, managers, researchers and evaluators – who are already involved in networks or may wish to be so in the future. This publication deals with network theory as well as planning, implementation, promotion, evaluation and sustainability of European networks in EU support programmes for lifelong learning.
Download: DE FR EN
Download: Resources

eHospital: Experiences with E-Learning  Activities for Patients

The publication addresses and encourages staff in adult education institutions to cooperate with healthcare institutions in order to offer informal computer-assisted learning provisions to their patients who are forced to spend a long period due to severe or chronic illnesses. The basic underlying assumption to be argued for that concern is that engagement into such learning activities can have a beneficial effect on the emotional and physical recovery of hospital patients. In local cooperative ventures between educational providers and local hospitals the eHospital partnership developed and tested seven informal e-learning activities in Austria, Spain, France, Germany, Poland, and Switzerland. The learning topics covered were as varied as the types of patient groups targeted. The former ranged from learning fields like computer and internet literacy or employability and job (re-) orientation to health education and personal development.
Download: DE EN FR ES PL

EduCoRe – Educational Counselling during Rehabilitation. A practice report.

This publication aims at promoting lifelong learning opportunities for a specific target group with specific needs: patients who (after an accident or illness) have to spend several weeks or months in medical rehabilitation. By integrating the support from professional counsellors and trainers into the rehabilitation centre the gap between medical treatment and vocational comeback might be reduced. This report can be seen as a description of experiences and insights gained in the EduCoRe project while planning, organising and delivering the counselling and training programme for patients in European rehabilitation centres .
Download: DE EN DK IT SI

ICTeacher – ICT competencies and pedagogical application skills for teachers

The present brochure gives a comprehensive overview of the work of the Comenius-project ICTeacher and its results. Within this further education programme teachers can acquire new as well as enhancing existing competences in the use of ICT in teaching and learning.
Download: DE EN ES HU DK

YES – Youth Employment Support. A service for companies.

This brochure describes a support offer for small and medium sized companies when it comes to employment of “difficult” young people that has been developed in the project YES. It aims at the persons responsible for inserting young people in the SME and contains a blended learning training concept with relevant learning materials, coaching and peer support facilities.
Download: DE EN FR CZ NL SK SI
LBB_hp_cover RIVER_DE_hp_cover BOIT_Good_practice_brochure_DE.pdf

LBB – Languages Behind Bars

RIVER – Reveal the learning potential of volunteering

BOIT – Burnout Intervention Training for Managers and Team Leaders

Languages Behind Bars (LBB) is a support tool developed for European prisons, and is concerned with three closely interlinked themes: Communication in Multilingual Prisons, Prison Education, and the Professional Training and Development of Prison Staff. The LBB workbook is a response to the lack of context-specific materials for learning to communicate in prison settings. It provides a set of learning units designed to meet the communication needs in a prison context, emphasising not only functional language, but also exposing learners to a culture of positive interaction in this setting. This publication provides an exploration of the processes and results of a transnational project that focused on three major themes and the possible links between them: volunteering, intergenerational learning, and recognition and validation of learning. The project’s contribution to these themes, and to promoting European Union policies in this regard, is a new methodology for recognising learning and competence development in volunteering activities: the RIVER Methodology. The methodology reveals the development of competences in volunteering settings, and this publication includes an example of specific application to the development of the competence “Intergenerational Cooperation”. The Burnout Intervention Training for Managers and Team Leaders (BOIT for short) pursues a policy which aims not only to raise awareness of Burnout but also to develop and provide tailor-made Burnout prevention and intervention strategies. This practice report has been produced based on the experience gained during the BOIT project and was written by a team of educators, e-learning facilitators and project managers. This publication addresses managers, team leaders and other members middle management as well as representatives of social insurance agencies, labour market and pension services.
Download Good Practice Guide: DE EN FR NL BG
Download Workbook: DE EN FR NL BG
Download: DE EN FI HU IT Download: DE EN IT DK RO
Download: Tools
HealthBoxInfoBrochure_DE.pdf HATTRICK Good Practice brochurefinal_DE.pdf Survival_Kit_klein_02

Health Box – Integrating health issues in adult education

Hattrick – Football, Learning, Integration

Survival Kit. Managing Multilateral Projects in the Lifelong Learning Programme

Health Box aims at supporting socio-economically disadvantaged persons in different training settings which target to improve the persons’ employability to convince them of pursuing healthy life habits. This brochure was developed as a part of the Health Box and is addressed to adult educators working with this target group, training providers, decision makers and multipliers in adult education, government, social and labour market organisations, umbrella associations and networks in adult education as well as the public in large. With this publication football coaches and trainers in adult education receive guidance through aims, paths and links about football and life long learning approach in practice – as used and tested in the project HATTRICK. The HATTRICK Good Practice publication, is the result of a 2 years EU-project of Grundtvig Programme, about lifelong learning, exchanged between 7 partners from different European countries. This brochure provides insights and recommendations on football, learning and integration. The Survival Kit aims to provide guidance for education professionals on how to plan, organise, implement, monitor and evaluate, disseminate and sustain Multilateral Projects in Grundtvig and other actions of the Lifelong Learning Programme.
Download: DE EN IT SE DK RO
Download: Tools
Download: DE EN FR IT NL BG
Download: Tools
Download: DE EN FR IT RO
Die_Kunst_des_Netzwerkens_klein_03 Lernpaket_fuer_Netzwerker_klein_02 e-hospital_klein

The Art of Networking. European Networks in Education

Resource Pack for Networkers

eHospital: Experiences with E-Learning  Activities for Patients

Networking is a key competence for solving structural problems. The Art of Networking is addressed to professionals in education – teachers, trainers, programme developers, managers, researchers and evaluators – who are already involved in networks or may wish to be so in the future. This publication deals with network theory as well as planning, implementation, promotion, evaluation and sustainability of European networks in EU support programmes for lifelong learning. Resource Pack for Networkers refers to t he publication “The Art of Networking. European Networks in Education“; and is meant to be used in combination with it. The Pack contains a range of learning materials which enhance the key competence to act in inter-personal and inter-organisational networks in the area of education. The publication addresses and encourages staff in adult education institutions to cooperate with healthcare institutions in order to offer informal computer-assisted learning provisions to their patients who are forced to spend a long period due to severe or chronic illnesses. The basic underlying assumption to be argued for that concern is that engagement into such learning activities can have a beneficial effect on the emotional and physical recovery of hospital patients. In local cooperative ventures between educational providers and local hospitals the eHospital partnership developed and tested seven informal e-learning activities in Austria, Spain, France, Germany, Poland, and Switzerland. The learning topics covered were as varied as the types of patient groups targeted. The former ranged from learning fields like computer and internet literacy or employability and job (re-) orientation to health education and personal development.
Download: DE EN FR Download: DE FR EN
Download: Resources
Download: DE EN FR ES PL
educore_klein IC_Teacher_klein YES_brochure_klein

EduCoRe – Educational Counselling during Rehabilitation. A practice report.

ICTeacher – ICT competencies and pedagogical application skills for teachers

YES – Youth Employment Support. A service for companies.

This publication aims at promoting lifelong learning opportunities for a specific target group with specific needs: patients who (after an accident or illness) have to spend several weeks or months in medical rehabilitation. By integrating the support from professional counsellors and trainers into the rehabilitation centre the gap between medical treatment and vocational comeback might be reduced. This report can be seen as a description of experiences and insights gained in the EduCoRe project while planning, organising and delivering the counselling and training programme for patients in European rehabilitation centres . The present brochure gives a comprehensive overview of the work of the Comenius-project ICTeacher and its results. Within this further education programme teachers can acquire new as well as enhancing existing competences in the use of ICT in teaching and learning. This brochure describes a support offer for small and medium sized companies when it comes to employment of “difficult” young people that has been developed in the project YES. It aims at the persons responsible for inserting young people in the SME and contains a blended learning training concept with relevant learning materials, coaching and peer support facilities.
Download: DE EN DK IT SI Download: DE EN ES HU DK Download: DE EN FR CZ NL SK SI