As an answer to the increasing number of early school leavers, many countries in the EU have developed second chance education programmes. The collaboration in ROBIN (Reinforcing cOmpetences to Build Inclusion through a New learning methodology) was initiated by terre des homme Romania which advocates children on the move and children with migrant backgrounds in danger to fail integration and drop out of the second chance school system. Obtaining minimum qualifications prevents children on the move from vulnerability, exposition to abuse, exploitation and trafficking.
According the to recommendations in the UNICEF report “Early school dropout: causes and possible ways to prevent it” (2009) the flexibility of the second chance curricula should be increased including extra curricular activities taking place in the school, such as sport and artistic activities and inclusion projects that aim at lowering the marginalisation of children with migrant Background.
To ensure that children with a migrant background complete school education ROBIN wants to equip the teaching staff in programs of second chance with tools that extend the capabilities of specific support. ROBIN enhances the exchange of best practices between relevant European educators and develops integrated training methods that bring together learning, coaching and support by means of psychosocial activities.
Conference Announcement
Conference Invitation
Project Flyer
O1: Research study on the current methodologies used within Second Chance Programmes
O2: Needs Analysis Report on Methodologies used within Second Chance Programmes
O3: Curriculum of the integrated learning methodology that addresses the needs of educators
O4: The innovative learning methodology based on experiential learning by means of psychosocial activities (Pilot version)
O5: The innovative learning methodology based on experiental learning by means of psychosocial activities (Final version)
O6: Handbook. Migration and Intergration into formal Education.
07.09.17: Conference Invitation: “Integration of young migrants into formal education and employment”
10.07.17: ROBIN Weiterbildungsangebot für Bildungspersonal von Programmen des zweiten Bildungsweges
22.05.17: Analyse der aktuell eingesetzten Methoden in Angeboten des zweiten Bildungsweges abgeschlossen
18.05.16: Erhebung von Weiterbildungsbedarfen in „Second Chance“ Bildungsmaßnahmen
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Project number: 2015-1-RO01-KA204-015001
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