Conference: How to make language graduates fit for the labour market

The CES&L (Crafting Employability Strategies & Languages) project, funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme, has worked with employers across Europe to seek their views on how Higher Education can support modern languages students to become more employable and recognise the significance of their degree in the international job market. This research has informed the adaptation of a generic Irish training course into a resource localised to, and translated for Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, the UK, and Ireland. die Berater® had the role to ensure that the employers’ perspective was adequately taken into account in all materials and co- developed a module on entrepreneurship competence.

Now project partner AHECS (Association of Higher Education Careers Services in Ireland) is organising an international conference to present and discuss the results of this innovative and exciting project in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland on 7 September 2017. Invited guests will gain an overview of the project process which took place over the last two years, hear feedback from participating European partners on their experience of engaging in this project and be able to participate in a demonstration of two workshops from this module focusing on best practice approaches to embedding employability within language teaching.

To support attendance at this event, AHECS offers five 200 Euro bursaries for international guests to assist with travel and accommodation. If you are interested in attending this conference, please email Elaine Browne, AHECS representative. The closing date for confirming attendance is 31 July 2017.

Project website:

The project has been funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme.

Conference: How to make language graduates fit for the labour market