Conference Announcement:
“Integration of young migrants into
formal education and employment”
Continuous migration and flight as well as still high numbers of early school leaving bring big challenges for the education systems in Europe.
The conference will examine, how early school leaving and marginalisation of children and young people with migration or flight background can be prevented and how the integration into school and vocational education systems can succeed. Special focus will be given to the group of unaccompanied minor refugees.
When: | October 19, 2017 (10 am – 4 pm) |
Where: | TopLokal, Fleischmarkt 18, 1010 Vienna |
Detailed information will be published in the beginning of September. If you have any question please contact Franziska Steffen.
This event will take place in the frame of the European project ROBIN, which was co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. ROBIN (Reinforcing cOmpetences to Build Inclusion through New learning methodologies) enhances the exchange of best practices between relevant education professionals and develops integrated training methods that bring together learning, coaching and support by means of psychosocial activities. The project was initiated and coordinated by Terre des hommes Romania, and carried out by five organisations active in the education and social sector from Austria, Bulgaria, Spain and Italy. The Austrian partner is die Berater Unternehmensberatungs GmbH. Click here for the Project-Flyer.